happy Xmas and peaceful new year!
for sports scientists, coaches, and athletes to enhance performance and to develop a sports system (high performance coaching, integrated sports science, information management, performance analysis, talent ID, youth development, coach education, and athlete career support)
26 December 2009
26 November 2009
sleep to train motor learning
Sleep success: How to make ZZZs = memory@new scientist
Catherine Siengsukon of the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City reviewed the evidence for "offline practice" – practising skills during sleep – earlier this year. She reckons that motor learning – training brain areas that control muscles - during sleep could help rehabilitate young, brain-damaged patients.
EM sleep seems to be important for perceptual memory, "like when you're learning to play darts", while the consolidation of "declarative" memories – facts and events – happens during deep slow-wave sleep.
Catherine Siengsukon of the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City reviewed the evidence for "offline practice" – practising skills during sleep – earlier this year. She reckons that motor learning – training brain areas that control muscles - during sleep could help rehabilitate young, brain-damaged patients.
EM sleep seems to be important for perceptual memory, "like when you're learning to play darts", while the consolidation of "declarative" memories – facts and events – happens during deep slow-wave sleep.
25 November 2009
MOU between Loughborough University and Waseda University in Japan
Loughborough joins Japan in global $14m sports science programme@Loughborough University
Loughborough University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Waseda University in Japan as part of a global $14m programme designed to increase collaborative research in sport sciences and physical activity.
An initial three areas of research have been identified between the two Universities: the use of physical activity to prevent chronic disease, muscle physiology and sport performance, and the role sport plays in a socio-cultural context.
Loughborough University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Waseda University in Japan as part of a global $14m programme designed to increase collaborative research in sport sciences and physical activity.
An initial three areas of research have been identified between the two Universities: the use of physical activity to prevent chronic disease, muscle physiology and sport performance, and the role sport plays in a socio-cultural context.
24 November 2009
Singapore's Foreign Sports Talent Scheme
Foreign athletes welcomed if they raise standard of Singapore sports@CNA
Singapore will continue to embrace talented foreign athletes who want to represent the country, as long as they raise the standard of sports here, according to Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports Vivian Balakrishnan.
Dr Balakrishnan revealed that the Foreign Sports Talent (FST) Schemes currently make up 4.6 per cent of the total number of athletes among the development and national squads of the seven key sports in the country.
There are currently 19 FSTs out of 97 badminton players, and 11 FSTs out of 85 table tennis players.
Dr Balakrishnan also laid down the three principles that guide the FST policy: openness to global talent, fairness in treatment of FSTs and local-born athletes, and ensuring the integration of the foreign-born athletes into society.
Singapore will continue to embrace talented foreign athletes who want to represent the country, as long as they raise the standard of sports here, according to Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports Vivian Balakrishnan.
Dr Balakrishnan revealed that the Foreign Sports Talent (FST) Schemes currently make up 4.6 per cent of the total number of athletes among the development and national squads of the seven key sports in the country.
There are currently 19 FSTs out of 97 badminton players, and 11 FSTs out of 85 table tennis players.
Dr Balakrishnan also laid down the three principles that guide the FST policy: openness to global talent, fairness in treatment of FSTs and local-born athletes, and ensuring the integration of the foreign-born athletes into society.
Singapore athletes preparation for YOG
S$2.6m disbursed to prepare Singapore athletes for YOG@CNA
S$2.6 million out of over S$6 million set aside for the 2010 Youth Olympic Games has already been disbursed to prepare Singapore athletes. The remaining amount will be given out over the next few months.
The 26 National Sports Associations (NSAs) whose sports will be competing in the Games were also given more details about the qualification criteria.
Singapore can send up to 130 athletes – both individual and teams – for the Games, but not all sports will have automatic qualifications.
S$2.6 million out of over S$6 million set aside for the 2010 Youth Olympic Games has already been disbursed to prepare Singapore athletes. The remaining amount will be given out over the next few months.
The 26 National Sports Associations (NSAs) whose sports will be competing in the Games were also given more details about the qualification criteria.
Singapore can send up to 130 athletes – both individual and teams – for the Games, but not all sports will have automatic qualifications.
17 November 2009
3D swim modeling to enhance performance
Maths to speed swimmers@CSIRO
CSIRO and the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) are creating computer models of swimmers that can swim through virtual water.
The goal is to help individual swimmers find their ideal stroke techinique.
Once the virtual model is created, its performance will be compared to the real person, to make sure it matches reality.
CSIRO and the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) are creating computer models of swimmers that can swim through virtual water.
The goal is to help individual swimmers find their ideal stroke techinique.
Once the virtual model is created, its performance will be compared to the real person, to make sure it matches reality.
AUS talent 'hot spots' study
Sports talent 'hot spots' being studied@SMH
Queensland's Griffith University is leading research into identifying potential elite athletes, which could be the key to improving Australia's international sporting success.
Rather than the standard biophysical measures, the university hopes to uncover reasons why some towns and regions like Wagga, which they call "hot-spots", produce more elite athletes than others.
The university is working with the Australian Sports Commission, Australian Institute of Sport, Cricket Australia, Tennis Australia and the Australian Football League following a $300,000 grant last month from the Australian Research Council.
Over the next three years researchers would study factors such as the family support for elite athletes, whether there was a strong club system, socio-cultural factors, psychological factors, how recruiters perceived talent, home-town advantage and whether the hot-spots have strong socio-capital.
Queensland's Griffith University is leading research into identifying potential elite athletes, which could be the key to improving Australia's international sporting success.
Rather than the standard biophysical measures, the university hopes to uncover reasons why some towns and regions like Wagga, which they call "hot-spots", produce more elite athletes than others.
The university is working with the Australian Sports Commission, Australian Institute of Sport, Cricket Australia, Tennis Australia and the Australian Football League following a $300,000 grant last month from the Australian Research Council.
Over the next three years researchers would study factors such as the family support for elite athletes, whether there was a strong club system, socio-cultural factors, psychological factors, how recruiters perceived talent, home-town advantage and whether the hot-spots have strong socio-capital.
no funding boost for AUS
No funding boost for sport: review@Brisbane Times
The federal government-commissioned report has dismissed the AOC's calls for an extra $100 million a year for 10 years for elite sports, saying that money would be better spent elsewhere.
It also takes issue with the AOC's quest to reclaim "top five" status on the medal table at the 2012 London Olympics and future Games, saying that target is not sensible and not an appropriate measure of Australian performance.
The federal government-commissioned report has dismissed the AOC's calls for an extra $100 million a year for 10 years for elite sports, saying that money would be better spent elsewhere.
It also takes issue with the AOC's quest to reclaim "top five" status on the medal table at the 2012 London Olympics and future Games, saying that target is not sensible and not an appropriate measure of Australian performance.
16 November 2009
NZ budget for 2010
SPARC ramps up high performance investment to new level@SPARC
SPARC is investing a record $6.3 million in 19 national sport organisations’ high performance programmes and projects following the 2010 contestable investment round.
In addition to the contestable high performance programme investment, $816,500 is being provided to national sport organisations for 2010 in service credits. Service credits cover the cost of sports medicine, sports science and athlete development services provided through the New Zealand Academy of Sport.
SPARC is investing a record $6.3 million in 19 national sport organisations’ high performance programmes and projects following the 2010 contestable investment round.
In addition to the contestable high performance programme investment, $816,500 is being provided to national sport organisations for 2010 in service credits. Service credits cover the cost of sports medicine, sports science and athlete development services provided through the New Zealand Academy of Sport.
13 November 2009
ASC online tools and resources for coaches
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) has produced eight new coaching and officiating videos which are now available on the ASC website ranging from mentoring, coaching juniors and intermediate coaching general principles.
Also few factsheets available.
Also few factsheets available.
UK sport biosensor project
New Technology Will Help Improve Athletes’ Performance@EPSRC
EPSRC funded scientists are developing a range of miniaturised wearable and track-side sensors, computer modelling tools and smart training devices to help British athletes improve their performance.
The Elite Sport Performance Research in Training with Pervasive Sensing (ESPRIT) has received £6 million from EPSRC and £2 million from UK Sport for a five year project. The research is being led by Imperial College London and supported by researchers at Queen Mary University of London and Loughborough University.
EPSRC funded scientists are developing a range of miniaturised wearable and track-side sensors, computer modelling tools and smart training devices to help British athletes improve their performance.
The Elite Sport Performance Research in Training with Pervasive Sensing (ESPRIT) has received £6 million from EPSRC and £2 million from UK Sport for a five year project. The research is being led by Imperial College London and supported by researchers at Queen Mary University of London and Loughborough University.
11 November 2009
Sports Sci J@Sep-Oct 09
This is the latest sports science journal update.
Sep-Oct 09
Game-Based Training for Improving Skill and Physical Fitness in Team Sport Athletes. IJSSC
An Integrative Definition of Coaching Effectiveness and Expertise. IJSSC
High-Intensity Training in Football. IJSPP
Do footedness and strength asymmetry relate to the dominant stance in swimming track start? JSS
Effect of Plyometric Training on Swimming Block Start Performance in Adolescents. JSCR
Fitness Profiling in Soccer: Physical and Physiologic Characteristics of Elite Players. JSCR
Strength & Conditioning
The Association Between Motor Skill Competence and Physical Fitness in Young Adults. RQES
Correcting the Use of the Term "Power" in the Strength and Conditioning Literature. JSCR
Negative effect of static stretching restored when combined with a sport specific warm-up component. JSMS
Effects of Sit-up Training versus Core Stabilization Exercises on Sit-up Performance. MSSE
A Comparison of Successful and Unsuccessful Attempts in Maximal Bench Pressing. MSSE
Relationships Among Jumping Performances and Sprint Parameters During Maximum Speed Phase in Sprinters. JSCR
Neuromuscular Adaptations to Training, Injury and Passive Interventions: Implications for Running Economy. SM
The Analysis and Utilization of Cycling Training Data. SM
Test Validation in Sport Physiology: Lessons Learned From Clinimetrics. IJSPP
Computer Simulations Assessing the Potential Performance Benefit of a Final Increase in Training During Pre-Event Taper. JSCR
Reliability and Generality of Measures of Acceleration, Planned Agility, and Reactive Agility. IJSPP
Relation between Individualized Training Impulses and Performance in Distance Runners. MSSE
Improving the prediction of sweat losses during exercise. JAP
Cold Fluids Improve Exercise Performance in the Heat By Slowing the Rate of Heat Gain. MSSE
Evidence against a 40°C core temperature threshold for fatigue in humans. JAP
Comparison of Progressive Maximal Swimming Tests in Elite Female Water Polo Players. IJSPP
Effects of Ramadan fasting on physical performance and metabolic, hormonal, and inflammatory parameters in middle-distance runners. APNM
The ‘So What’ Factor: Statistical versus Cinical Significance. IJSM
BJSM reviews: A–Z of supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 1. BJSM
BJSM reviews: A–Z of supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 2. BJSM
Evaluation of Nutritional Intake in Canadian High-Performance Athletes. CJSM
Development and Validation of a Food Pyramid for Swiss Athletes. IJSNEM
Caffeine and Anaerobic Performance: Ergogenic Value and Mechanisms of Action. SM
Biomechanics and technology development
Ubiquitous computing in sports: A review and analysis. JSS
A Comparison of Video and Accelerometer Based Approaches Applied to Performance Monitoring in Swimming. IJSSC
Sports Medicine
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Consensus Statement on periodic health evaluation of elite athletes March 2009. BJSM
Sports Injuries During the Summer Olympic Games 2008. AJSM
Illness Monitoring in Team Sports Using a Web-Based Training Diary. CJSM
Preparticipation cardiovascular screening in young athletes. BJSM
Incidence and aetiology of sudden cardiac death in young athletes: an international perspective. BJSM
Return to play? Practical considerations for young athletes with cardiovascular disease. BJSM
Popular drugs in sport: descriptive analysis of the enquiries made via the Drug Information Database (DID). BJSM
Psychology and motor control
The role of confidence in world-class sport performance. JSS
Emotional Intelligence Scores Predict Team Sports Performance in a National Cricket Competition. IJSSC
Talent ID and development
Relationships among birth-month distribution, skeletal age and anthropometric characteristics in adolescent elite soccer players. JSS
The relative age effect in a professional football club setting. JSS
Genetic research and testing in sport and exercise science: A review of the issues. JSS
Sep-Oct 09
Game-Based Training for Improving Skill and Physical Fitness in Team Sport Athletes. IJSSC
An Integrative Definition of Coaching Effectiveness and Expertise. IJSSC
High-Intensity Training in Football. IJSPP
Do footedness and strength asymmetry relate to the dominant stance in swimming track start? JSS
Effect of Plyometric Training on Swimming Block Start Performance in Adolescents. JSCR
Fitness Profiling in Soccer: Physical and Physiologic Characteristics of Elite Players. JSCR
Strength & Conditioning
The Association Between Motor Skill Competence and Physical Fitness in Young Adults. RQES
Correcting the Use of the Term "Power" in the Strength and Conditioning Literature. JSCR
Negative effect of static stretching restored when combined with a sport specific warm-up component. JSMS
Effects of Sit-up Training versus Core Stabilization Exercises on Sit-up Performance. MSSE
A Comparison of Successful and Unsuccessful Attempts in Maximal Bench Pressing. MSSE
Relationships Among Jumping Performances and Sprint Parameters During Maximum Speed Phase in Sprinters. JSCR
Neuromuscular Adaptations to Training, Injury and Passive Interventions: Implications for Running Economy. SM
The Analysis and Utilization of Cycling Training Data. SM
Test Validation in Sport Physiology: Lessons Learned From Clinimetrics. IJSPP
Computer Simulations Assessing the Potential Performance Benefit of a Final Increase in Training During Pre-Event Taper. JSCR
Reliability and Generality of Measures of Acceleration, Planned Agility, and Reactive Agility. IJSPP
Relation between Individualized Training Impulses and Performance in Distance Runners. MSSE
Improving the prediction of sweat losses during exercise. JAP
Cold Fluids Improve Exercise Performance in the Heat By Slowing the Rate of Heat Gain. MSSE
Evidence against a 40°C core temperature threshold for fatigue in humans. JAP
Comparison of Progressive Maximal Swimming Tests in Elite Female Water Polo Players. IJSPP
Effects of Ramadan fasting on physical performance and metabolic, hormonal, and inflammatory parameters in middle-distance runners. APNM
The ‘So What’ Factor: Statistical versus Cinical Significance. IJSM
BJSM reviews: A–Z of supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 1. BJSM
BJSM reviews: A–Z of supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 2. BJSM
Evaluation of Nutritional Intake in Canadian High-Performance Athletes. CJSM
Development and Validation of a Food Pyramid for Swiss Athletes. IJSNEM
Caffeine and Anaerobic Performance: Ergogenic Value and Mechanisms of Action. SM
Biomechanics and technology development
Ubiquitous computing in sports: A review and analysis. JSS
A Comparison of Video and Accelerometer Based Approaches Applied to Performance Monitoring in Swimming. IJSSC
Sports Medicine
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Consensus Statement on periodic health evaluation of elite athletes March 2009. BJSM
Sports Injuries During the Summer Olympic Games 2008. AJSM
Illness Monitoring in Team Sports Using a Web-Based Training Diary. CJSM
Preparticipation cardiovascular screening in young athletes. BJSM
Incidence and aetiology of sudden cardiac death in young athletes: an international perspective. BJSM
Return to play? Practical considerations for young athletes with cardiovascular disease. BJSM
Popular drugs in sport: descriptive analysis of the enquiries made via the Drug Information Database (DID). BJSM
Psychology and motor control
The role of confidence in world-class sport performance. JSS
Emotional Intelligence Scores Predict Team Sports Performance in a National Cricket Competition. IJSSC
Talent ID and development
Relationships among birth-month distribution, skeletal age and anthropometric characteristics in adolescent elite soccer players. JSS
The relative age effect in a professional football club setting. JSS
Genetic research and testing in sport and exercise science: A review of the issues. JSS
09 November 2009
Learning points from Coach Education Conference 09
3rd Annual Evolution of the Athlete: Coach Education Conference (2-3 Nov 2009@Brisbane, Australia)
"Leadership in elite sport" Craig Bellamy (Head Coach, Melbourne Storm, NRL team)
- Leadership = to know the role and to do the best you can
- Positive thinking + realistic thinking
- Importance of off field activities
"Managing individuals in winning teams" John Fitzgerald (Optus Davis Cup Captain, Tennis Australia)
- 6C = communication, clarification, character, compassion, confidence, commitment
- Expectation = to play at best effort possible
"Developing the learning environment in sport" Glenn Stewart (High Performance Manager, West Coast Eagles)
- Leaning environment = to change actions, you need data to convince
- Team learning environment = vision → assess → FB → Info transmit (eg VARK, drills) → FB from players → re-assess
- Personal practical knowledge (PPK) = can learn 90% when you share info to others (x reading only 10%)
Concurrent session

"Quantification of training load" David Martin (Senior Sport Physiologist, Australian Institute of Sport)
- Simplify the relationship between training and performance
- What is the difference between good and bad forms?
- Daily log is insurance
"Gold medal programming" Chris O'Brien (Head Rowing Coach, Victorian Institute of Sport)
- Humanistic approach: focus on individual
- Back to the basics and repeat it!
"Designing practice" Megan Rendell (Sports Scientist - Skill Acquisition, QLD Academy of Sport)
- Adaptable, transfer, confidence, pressure, persistent, decision making
- Less is best (eg use analogy and questions)
- Block practice → random practice
"The TID coach" Juanita Weissensteiner (Research Coordinator, National Talent Identification & Development, Australian Sports Commission)
- TID and development as one package
- Biological and cognitive maturity.

- Leadership = to know the role and to do the best you can
- Positive thinking + realistic thinking
- Importance of off field activities

- 6C = communication, clarification, character, compassion, confidence, commitment
- Expectation = to play at best effort possible

- Leaning environment = to change actions, you need data to convince
- Team learning environment = vision → assess → FB → Info transmit (eg VARK, drills) → FB from players → re-assess
- Personal practical knowledge (PPK) = can learn 90% when you share info to others (x reading only 10%)
Concurrent session
"Quantification of training load" David Martin (Senior Sport Physiologist, Australian Institute of Sport)
- Simplify the relationship between training and performance
- What is the difference between good and bad forms?
- Daily log is insurance
"Gold medal programming" Chris O'Brien (Head Rowing Coach, Victorian Institute of Sport)
- Humanistic approach: focus on individual
- Back to the basics and repeat it!
"Designing practice" Megan Rendell (Sports Scientist - Skill Acquisition, QLD Academy of Sport)
- Adaptable, transfer, confidence, pressure, persistent, decision making
- Less is best (eg use analogy and questions)
- Block practice → random practice
"The TID coach" Juanita Weissensteiner (Research Coordinator, National Talent Identification & Development, Australian Sports Commission)
- TID and development as one package
- Biological and cognitive maturity.
06 November 2009
Eco-friendly YOG
YOG athletes to get involved in environmental initiatives@CNA
Members of the public pledged their commitment towards cultivating environmentally-friendly habits, by leaving their footprints on clay to form an art piece.
The art piece will be on display during the 2010 YOG, and is part of a programme to encourage athletes to learn about environmental sustainability.
The organising committee is partnering with HortPark to promote
environmentally-friendly practices among athletes taking part in the Games.
This is part of its Culture and Education Programme, and will see athletes exploring HortPark's gardens to learn more about human impact on the ecosystem.
Members of the public pledged their commitment towards cultivating environmentally-friendly habits, by leaving their footprints on clay to form an art piece.
The art piece will be on display during the 2010 YOG, and is part of a programme to encourage athletes to learn about environmental sustainability.
The organising committee is partnering with HortPark to promote
environmentally-friendly practices among athletes taking part in the Games.
This is part of its Culture and Education Programme, and will see athletes exploring HortPark's gardens to learn more about human impact on the ecosystem.
29 October 2009
use of virtual reality training for rugby players
Increased success a ‘virtual’ certainty for rugby players@alpha galileo
The players are fitted with a ‘backpack’ of sensors and don a helmet-like visor known as a head mounted display through which a series of 360 degree virtual scenarios are displayed.
The players are fitted with a ‘backpack’ of sensors and don a helmet-like visor known as a head mounted display through which a series of 360 degree virtual scenarios are displayed.
EIS Athlete Career Development Programme
The English Institute of Sport (EIS), under the Performance Lifestyle Programme, has launched the Athlete Career Development Programme, which aims to provide World Class Programme Athletes with an introduction to organisations receptive to the exceptional skills athletes can bring to the work place.
The English Institute of Sport (EIS), under the Performance Lifestyle Programme, has launched the Athlete Career Development Programme, which aims to provide World Class Programme Athletes with an introduction to organisations receptive to the exceptional skills athletes can bring to the work place.
WADA 2010 Prohibited List
WADA 2010 Prohibited List Now Published@WADA
The 2010 List reflects the latest scientific advances and offers a number of noteworthy changes compared to the 2009 List:
The status of salbutamol, a beta-2 agonist, will change. Therapeutic use of inhaled salbutamol will not be prohibited as of January 1, 2010. If the urinary concentration is above 1,000 nanograms per millilitre, there will be a presumption that the substance was not taken by inhalation and the athlete will have the burden to demonstrate through a controlled pharmacokinetic study that the level found in his urine was the result of therapeutic inhaled use.
T/E Ratio Follow-Up
No further collections or analyses will be required in cases where the testosterone to epitestosterone (T/E) ratio is greater than 4 and an isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) test or any other reliable analytical method has not revealed evidence of exogenous administration of a prohibited substance.
Pseudoephedrine will be reintroduced to the List and will be prohibited above 150 micrograms per millilitre.
The 2010 List reflects the latest scientific advances and offers a number of noteworthy changes compared to the 2009 List:
The status of salbutamol, a beta-2 agonist, will change. Therapeutic use of inhaled salbutamol will not be prohibited as of January 1, 2010. If the urinary concentration is above 1,000 nanograms per millilitre, there will be a presumption that the substance was not taken by inhalation and the athlete will have the burden to demonstrate through a controlled pharmacokinetic study that the level found in his urine was the result of therapeutic inhaled use.
T/E Ratio Follow-Up
No further collections or analyses will be required in cases where the testosterone to epitestosterone (T/E) ratio is greater than 4 and an isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) test or any other reliable analytical method has not revealed evidence of exogenous administration of a prohibited substance.
Pseudoephedrine will be reintroduced to the List and will be prohibited above 150 micrograms per millilitre.
28 October 2009
pre-YOG conference call for abstract
Please see below information for pre-YOG conference. I will be presenting also in one of symposiums.
Call for Abstracts
In celebration of the inaugural 2010 Youth Olympic Games, the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, is organising the III International Conference of Physical Education and Sports Science (ICPESS 2010). The Organising Committee of the ICPESS 2010 cordially invites abstracts for oral or poster presentation.
Types of Presentation Desired
· Oral Presentation
For each accepted paper, 10 minutes will be allocated for oral presentation, followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
· Poster Presentation
Each accepted poster will be assigned to a poster session, and will be allocated a poster board space. Posters should be printed in the following size: Portrait: 0.92m (Breadth) x 1.22m (Length). Poster presentations in Chinese are acceptable.
Strands & Proposal Submission
· Physical Education
Information Technology
Olympic Education
Outdoor Education
Physical Activity
Play and Sport
Problem-Based Learning
Social and Pedagogical Issues
· Sport Science
Nutrition and Childhood Obesity
Motor Control
Physical Training
Talent Identification
Guidelines for submission of abstracts for oral or poster presentation
Abstracts should be submitted electronically at http://nieacis.servy.net/fmp/users/ICPESS/form.html
Abstracts will not be proofread prior to printing, so you are strongly advised to ensure that there are no typing errors before submission.
Please follow the submission guidelines closely:
· All abstracts must be written in English (UK).
· Abstracts can only be submitted online through http://nieacis.servy.net/fmp/users/ICPESS/form.html. Those submitted by fax, post or e-mail will not be considered.
· Authors should submit a non-structured abstract depending on the topic of research according to the strands given.
· The abstract text should not exceed 250 words.
· Use a 10-point Times New Roman.
· Authors’ name must be highlighted in bold, followed by their affiliations.
· It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact may result in the rejection of the abstract.
· Abstracts should not be concurrently submitted for consideration to another conference or have been previously presented at any other national or international meeting, and submitted abstracts should not be of work published prior to 28 May, 2010.
· An author may submit only one abstract as a first author. The submitted abstract should be presented by the first author. First authors can appear as co-authors on other abstracts.
· If you have any question regarding your abstract submission, please contact the conference secretariat at icpess2010@nie.edu.sg.
· For further information regarding the conference, please visit the official conference website at http://www.nie.edu.sg/icpess2010/main.html
Submission Deadline
The deadline for abstract submission for the ICPESS 2010 is on 15 December 2009. Submission received after this date will not be accepted or reviewed.
Abstract Review Process
All submitted abstracts will go through a peer-review process carried out by a Scientific Reviewing Committee. Each abstract will be reviewed by no more than three reviewers. Referees will make recommendations as to the type of presentation (oral or poster presentations, or rejection). The author can state her/his preference for the type of presentation but the final decision is with the Scientific Committee.
Notification of Acceptance or Rejection to Corresponding Author
Notification of acceptance or rejection of an abstract will be sent to the submitting (corresponding) author by 15 January 2010. Please note that only the corresponding author will receive mail concerning the abstract and is responsible for informing all co-authors of the status of the abstract. Authors whose abstracts have been accepted will receive instructions for the presentation of their abstract. A registration of the presenter (first author) should be made at least by 31 March 2010 to guarantee publication of the abstract in the Proceedings. Late registrations may lead to an exclusion of the abstract.
Michael Chia
Chairman – Organising Committee
ICPESS 2010 Conference
1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616
DID: (65) 6790 3690/6790 3689 | Fax: (65) 6896 9260 | michael.chia@nie.edu.sg
Sent by:
Shirley Seet
Conference Secretariat | ICPESS2010 Conference
1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616
Telephone: (65) 6316-5849 Fax: (65) 6896 9260 | icpess2010@nie.edu.sg
Website: http://www.nie.edu.sg/icpess2010
Call for Abstracts
In celebration of the inaugural 2010 Youth Olympic Games, the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, is organising the III International Conference of Physical Education and Sports Science (ICPESS 2010). The Organising Committee of the ICPESS 2010 cordially invites abstracts for oral or poster presentation.
Types of Presentation Desired
· Oral Presentation
For each accepted paper, 10 minutes will be allocated for oral presentation, followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
· Poster Presentation
Each accepted poster will be assigned to a poster session, and will be allocated a poster board space. Posters should be printed in the following size: Portrait: 0.92m (Breadth) x 1.22m (Length). Poster presentations in Chinese are acceptable.
Strands & Proposal Submission
· Physical Education
Information Technology
Olympic Education
Outdoor Education
Physical Activity
Play and Sport
Problem-Based Learning
Social and Pedagogical Issues
· Sport Science
Nutrition and Childhood Obesity
Motor Control
Physical Training
Talent Identification
Guidelines for submission of abstracts for oral or poster presentation
Abstracts should be submitted electronically at http://nieacis.servy.net/fmp/users/ICPESS/form.html
Abstracts will not be proofread prior to printing, so you are strongly advised to ensure that there are no typing errors before submission.
Please follow the submission guidelines closely:
· All abstracts must be written in English (UK).
· Abstracts can only be submitted online through http://nieacis.servy.net/fmp/users/ICPESS/form.html. Those submitted by fax, post or e-mail will not be considered.
· Authors should submit a non-structured abstract depending on the topic of research according to the strands given.
· The abstract text should not exceed 250 words.
· Use a 10-point Times New Roman.
· Authors’ name must be highlighted in bold, followed by their affiliations.
· It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact may result in the rejection of the abstract.
· Abstracts should not be concurrently submitted for consideration to another conference or have been previously presented at any other national or international meeting, and submitted abstracts should not be of work published prior to 28 May, 2010.
· An author may submit only one abstract as a first author. The submitted abstract should be presented by the first author. First authors can appear as co-authors on other abstracts.
· If you have any question regarding your abstract submission, please contact the conference secretariat at icpess2010@nie.edu.sg.
· For further information regarding the conference, please visit the official conference website at http://www.nie.edu.sg/icpess2010/main.html
Submission Deadline
The deadline for abstract submission for the ICPESS 2010 is on 15 December 2009. Submission received after this date will not be accepted or reviewed.
Abstract Review Process
All submitted abstracts will go through a peer-review process carried out by a Scientific Reviewing Committee. Each abstract will be reviewed by no more than three reviewers. Referees will make recommendations as to the type of presentation (oral or poster presentations, or rejection). The author can state her/his preference for the type of presentation but the final decision is with the Scientific Committee.
Notification of Acceptance or Rejection to Corresponding Author
Notification of acceptance or rejection of an abstract will be sent to the submitting (corresponding) author by 15 January 2010. Please note that only the corresponding author will receive mail concerning the abstract and is responsible for informing all co-authors of the status of the abstract. Authors whose abstracts have been accepted will receive instructions for the presentation of their abstract. A registration of the presenter (first author) should be made at least by 31 March 2010 to guarantee publication of the abstract in the Proceedings. Late registrations may lead to an exclusion of the abstract.
Michael Chia
Chairman – Organising Committee
ICPESS 2010 Conference
1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616
DID: (65) 6790 3690/6790 3689 | Fax: (65) 6896 9260 | michael.chia@nie.edu.sg
Sent by:
Shirley Seet
Conference Secretariat | ICPESS2010 Conference
1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616
Telephone: (65) 6316-5849 Fax: (65) 6896 9260 | icpess2010@nie.edu.sg
Website: http://www.nie.edu.sg/icpess2010
UK Sport R&D project
Scientists are developing a range of miniaturised wearable and track-side sensors, computer modelling tools and smart training devices to help British athletes improve their performance on the world stage, as part of a new £8.5 million project that will be officially launched tomorrow (28 October 2009).
- The sensors include wireless wearable nodes to measure biochemical information, heart rate, EEG, ECG, muscle activity, joint speed and contact forces
- Video camera sensors, called Vision Sensor Networks (VSNs), which coaches can use to monitor an athlete’s movements and assess their strategies while training.
Scientists are developing a range of miniaturised wearable and track-side sensors, computer modelling tools and smart training devices to help British athletes improve their performance on the world stage, as part of a new £8.5 million project that will be officially launched tomorrow (28 October 2009).
- The sensors include wireless wearable nodes to measure biochemical information, heart rate, EEG, ECG, muscle activity, joint speed and contact forces
- Video camera sensors, called Vision Sensor Networks (VSNs), which coaches can use to monitor an athlete’s movements and assess their strategies while training.
27 October 2009
YOG update
Singapore discussing with US to send best athletes for 2010 YOG@CNA
Six sporting events (Boxing, Fencing, Handball, Judo, Taekwondo and Wrestling) for the Youth Olympic Games will be played out right in the heart of the city at the Suntec Convention Centre.
Furthermore, the Culture and Education Programme like the Arts & Culture and Discovery Activity, which will include an Olympic Gallery and interactive exhibits on healthy living, will also be held at Suntec.
Six sporting events (Boxing, Fencing, Handball, Judo, Taekwondo and Wrestling) for the Youth Olympic Games will be played out right in the heart of the city at the Suntec Convention Centre.
Furthermore, the Culture and Education Programme like the Arts & Culture and Discovery Activity, which will include an Olympic Gallery and interactive exhibits on healthy living, will also be held at Suntec.
24 October 2009
YOG not just "friendship games"
YOG not just "friendship games", says Teo Ser Luck@CNA
SINGAPORE: Learning about different cultures and promoting Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect may be a priority at next year's inaugural Youth Olympic Games.
But the event is also about serious top-level sports competition, said Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Community Development, Youth and Sports, Teo Ser Luck.
SINGAPORE: Learning about different cultures and promoting Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect may be a priority at next year's inaugural Youth Olympic Games.
But the event is also about serious top-level sports competition, said Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Community Development, Youth and Sports, Teo Ser Luck.
22 October 2009
UK Sport Youtube channel, twitter, and facebook
The Vodcast is produced every two weeks and can be viewed, along with the other videos, via the UK Sport You Tube channel.
You can also keep up to date with all the latest news from UK Sport on Twitter, and follow our talent campaigns on Facebook.
The Vodcast is produced every two weeks and can be viewed, along with the other videos, via the UK Sport You Tube channel.
You can also keep up to date with all the latest news from UK Sport on Twitter, and follow our talent campaigns on Facebook.
19 October 2009
key questions on video recording
Useful tips on video recording sport@AIS
* What device will I capture it with?
* What format will I capture it in?
* What storage device will I capture it in?
* What quality will I use to capture it?
* What method will I use to transfer it to the coach?
* What device will I capture it with?
* What format will I capture it in?
* What storage device will I capture it in?
* What quality will I use to capture it?
* What method will I use to transfer it to the coach?
16 October 2009
Biomechanist market in Canada
Canadian sport organizations must invest more in biomechanists@canada.com
Dr. Allan Wrigley of the Canadian Sport Centre Pacific believed to be the only biomechanist working full-time in the sport field in Canada, says there needs to be a greater awareness among sport administrators, coaches and university programmers of the value of specialized sport biomechanical analysis.
England has 10 full-time biomechanists on staff and at least 20 others involved in performance analysis. The Australian Institute of Sport has a 27-member biomechanics and performance analysis team, that includes five biomechanists.
Dr. Allan Wrigley of the Canadian Sport Centre Pacific believed to be the only biomechanist working full-time in the sport field in Canada, says there needs to be a greater awareness among sport administrators, coaches and university programmers of the value of specialized sport biomechanical analysis.
England has 10 full-time biomechanists on staff and at least 20 others involved in performance analysis. The Australian Institute of Sport has a 27-member biomechanics and performance analysis team, that includes five biomechanists.
DNA test for talent ID in China
In China, DNA tests on kids ID genetic gifts, careers@CNN
At the Chongqing Children's Palace, experts are hoping to revolutionize child-rearing with the help of science. About 30 children aged 3 to 12 years old and their parents are participating in a new program that uses DNA testing to identify genetic gifts and predict the future.
The test is conducted by the Shanghai Biochip Corporation. Scientists claim a simple saliva swab collects as many as 10,000 cells that enable them to isolate eleven different genes. By taking a closer look at the genetic codes, they say they can extract information about a child's IQ, emotional control, focus, memory, athletic ability and more.
For about $880, Chinese parents can sign their kids up for the test and five days of summer camp in Chongqing, where the children will be evaluated in various settings from sports to art. The scientific results, combined with observations by experts throughout the week, will be used to make recommendations to parents about what their child should pursue.
Future gymnasts, musicians, and basketball players are sent to rigorous training camps and specialized sports schools, and sometimes paid a government salary.
related video
At the Chongqing Children's Palace, experts are hoping to revolutionize child-rearing with the help of science. About 30 children aged 3 to 12 years old and their parents are participating in a new program that uses DNA testing to identify genetic gifts and predict the future.
The test is conducted by the Shanghai Biochip Corporation. Scientists claim a simple saliva swab collects as many as 10,000 cells that enable them to isolate eleven different genes. By taking a closer look at the genetic codes, they say they can extract information about a child's IQ, emotional control, focus, memory, athletic ability and more.
For about $880, Chinese parents can sign their kids up for the test and five days of summer camp in Chongqing, where the children will be evaluated in various settings from sports to art. The scientific results, combined with observations by experts throughout the week, will be used to make recommendations to parents about what their child should pursue.
Future gymnasts, musicians, and basketball players are sent to rigorous training camps and specialized sports schools, and sometimes paid a government salary.
related video
06 October 2009
US swimmers, cyclists, and shooters not competing at YOG 2010
US swimmers, cyclists and shooters to give 2010 YOG a miss: Washington Post@CNA
The online version of the Washington Post said some US athletes will not turn up at the inaugural Youth Olympic Games to be staged in Singapore next year.
The report said that the US swim team will not be competing in the August 2010 Games.
It quoted USA Swimming Executive Director Chuck Wielgus who said the Youth Olympics was set up more as an educational programme than a high-level competition.
The online version of the Washington Post said some US athletes will not turn up at the inaugural Youth Olympic Games to be staged in Singapore next year.
The report said that the US swim team will not be competing in the August 2010 Games.
It quoted USA Swimming Executive Director Chuck Wielgus who said the Youth Olympics was set up more as an educational programme than a high-level competition.
01 October 2009
YOG Culture and Education Programme
First-ever Culture and Education Programme Pictograms unveiled@Singapore 2010
7 Culture and Education Programme (CEP) pictograms for the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games at Pulau Ubin, a venue for one of the CEP activities, the Island Adventure. CEP is a key and unique feature of the Youth Olympic Games:
1. Chat with Champions, 2. Discovery Activity, 3. World Culture Village, 4. Arts and Culture, 5. Community Project, 6. Exploration Journey and 7. Island Adventure.
The CEP is built around five themes:
- Olympism. This topic traces the origins, philosophy, structure and evolution of the modern Olympic Games to the present day.
- Skills Development. This topic considers various facets of a professional athlete's career, including personal development and managing transitional phases in life.
- Well-Being and Healthy Lifestyle. This topic covers the promotion of a healthy lifestyle including healthy eating and stress management, besides dealing with the issue of doping in sport.
- Social Responsibility. The issues of environment, sustainable development and community relations in the context of being a responsible global citizen will be discussed.
- Expression. Activities under this theme include learning and interaction opportunities via the digital media and evening festivals at the Youth Olympic Village.
For more info of CEP, click here.
7 Culture and Education Programme (CEP) pictograms for the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games at Pulau Ubin, a venue for one of the CEP activities, the Island Adventure. CEP is a key and unique feature of the Youth Olympic Games:
1. Chat with Champions, 2. Discovery Activity, 3. World Culture Village, 4. Arts and Culture, 5. Community Project, 6. Exploration Journey and 7. Island Adventure.
The CEP is built around five themes:
- Olympism. This topic traces the origins, philosophy, structure and evolution of the modern Olympic Games to the present day.
- Skills Development. This topic considers various facets of a professional athlete's career, including personal development and managing transitional phases in life.
- Well-Being and Healthy Lifestyle. This topic covers the promotion of a healthy lifestyle including healthy eating and stress management, besides dealing with the issue of doping in sport.
- Social Responsibility. The issues of environment, sustainable development and community relations in the context of being a responsible global citizen will be discussed.
- Expression. Activities under this theme include learning and interaction opportunities via the digital media and evening festivals at the Youth Olympic Village.
For more info of CEP, click here.
11 September 2009
qualities of good mentors
Nature's guide for mentors@Nature
Personal characteristics
- Enthusiasm
- Sensitivity
- Appreciating individual differences
- Respect
- Unselfishness
- Support for other than one's own
Tips for mentors
- Availability: the open door
- Inspiration, optimism
- Balancing direction and self-direction
- The art of questioning and listening
- Being widely read and widely receptive
- The initial project
- Life after science
- Celebration
Personal characteristics
- Enthusiasm
- Sensitivity
- Appreciating individual differences
- Respect
- Unselfishness
- Support for other than one's own
Tips for mentors
- Availability: the open door
- Inspiration, optimism
- Balancing direction and self-direction
- The art of questioning and listening
- Being widely read and widely receptive
- The initial project
- Life after science
- Celebration
27 August 2009
Sports Sci J@Apr-Aug09
This is the latest sports science journal update.
Apr - Aug 09
Game-based Training in Young Elite Handball Players. IJSM
Tactical skills of world-class youth soccer teams. JSS
Soccer Skill Development in Professionals. IJSM
Ball Impact Dynamics of Instep Soccer Kicking. MSSE
The development of skill and tactical competencies during a season of badminton. EJSS
Competitive Elite Golf: A Review of the Relationships between Playing Results, Technique and Physique. SM
An in-depth assessment of expert sprint coaches' technical knowledge. JSS
Endurance Athletes: What is the Optimal Training Strategy? IJSM
Analysis of lap times in international swimming competitions. JSS
Relationships between swim performance, maximal oxygen uptake and peak power output when wearing a wetsuit. JSMS
Fin Swimming Improves Respiratory Gas Exchange. IJSM
Assessment of an International Breaststroke Swimmer Using a Race Readiness Test. IJSPP
Strength & Conditioning
Aerobic Conditioning for Team Sport Athletes. SM
Rest Interval between Sets in Strength Training. SM
Forms of Variable Resistance Training. SCJ
Physiological Correlates of Golf Performance. JSCR
An Investigation Into the Relationship of Flexibility, Power, and Strength to Club Head Speed in Male Golfers. JSCR
Cardiac responses to swim bench exercise in age-group swimmers and non-athletic children. JSMS
The Quantification of Training Load, the Training Response and the Effect on Performance. SM
A mathematical model for quantifying training. EJAP
Load, stress, and recovery in adolescent rugby union players during a competitive season. JSS
Velocity-Specific Fatigue: Quantifying Fatigue during Variable Velocity Cycling. MSSE
Exercise and Fatigue. SM
Is it Time to Retire the `Central Governor'? SM
Lactate Threshold Concepts: How Valid are They? SM
Physiological Profile of Asian Elite Youth Soccer Players. JSCR
Relationship Between Anthropometric and Physiological Characteristics in Youth Soccer Players. JSCR
A Comparison of Post-Match Recovery Strategies in Youth Soccer Players. JSCR
Effects of cold-water immersion on physical performance between successive matches in high-performance junior male soccer players. JSS
Effect of cold-water immersion duration on body temperature and muscle function. JSS
Effect of water immersion methods on post-exercise recovery from simulated team sport exercise. JSMS
Recovery training in cyclists: ergometric, hormonal and psychometric findings. SJMSS
Effects of wearing compression garments on thermoregulation during simulated team sport activity in temperate environmental conditions. JSMS
The specificity of training prescription and physiological assessment: A review. JSS
Sports performance: is there evidence that the body clock plays a role? EJAP
Criterion-related validity of the 20-m shuttle run test in youths aged 13-19 years. JSS
Criterion-Related Validity of Sit-and-Reach and Modified Sit-and-Reach Test for Estimating Hamstring Flexibility in Children and Adolescents Aged 6-17 Years. IJSM
Improved Race Performance in Elite Middle-Distance Runners After Cumulative Altitude Exposure. IJSPP
Cycling Performance Following Adaptation to Two Protocols of Acutely Intermittent Hypoxia. IJSPP
Inspiratory Muscle Training and Endurance: A Central Metabolic Control Perspective. IJSPP
Catering for the Athletes Village at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: The Role of Sports Dietitians. IJSNEM
Feeding the Beijing Olympics: An Interview With Jillian Wanik. IJSNEM
Athletic Performance and Vitamin D. MSSE
Caffeine and Taurine Enhance Endurance Performance. IJSM
Is Ginseng an Ergogenic Aid? IJSNEM
Body composition of English Premier League soccer players: Influence of playing position, international status, and ethnicity. JSS
A simple and valid method to determine thermoregulatory sweating threshold and sensitivity. JAP
Practical Sports Nutrition: Survival Nutrition. IJSNEM
Biomechanics and technology development
Validity and reliability of kick count and rate in freestyle using inertial sensor technology. JSS
Validity and Reliability of GPS Units to Monitor Cricket-Specific Movement Patterns. IJSPP
An Evaluation of the Physiological Demands of Elite Rugby Union Using Global Positioning System Tracking Software. JSCR
Active and passive drag: the role of trunk incline. EJAP
Sports Medicine
UEFA injury study—an injury audit of European Championships 2006 to 2008. BJSM
Development and Implementation of a Standardized Precompetition Medical Assessment of International Elite Football Players-2006 FIFA World Cup Germany. CJSM
The Professionalization of Youth Sports: It's Time to Act! CJSM
Psychology and motor control
Mental fatigue impairs physical performance in humans. JAP
Competition stress in sport performers: Stressors experienced in the competition environment. JSS
A motivational model of performance in the sport domain. EJSS
A multi-component assessment model for monitoring training distress among athletes. EJSS
Athlete burnout in elite sport: A self-determination perspective. JSS
Possible early signs of athlete burnout: A prospective study. JSMS
Psychophysiological Stress Response during Competition between Elite and Non-elite Korean Junior Golfers. IJSM
Motor Control and LearningConditions of Practice in Perceptual Skill Learning. RQES
The Effect of Biological Movement Variability on the Performance of the Golf Swing in High- and Low-Handicapped Players. RQES
Sports Vision: Vision Care for the Enhancement of Sports Performance. MSSE
The Placebo Effect in Sports Performance: A Brief Review. SM
Talent ID and development
Talent identification and deliberate programming in skeleton: Ice novice to Winter Olympian in 14 months. JSS
Annual Age-Grouping and Athlete Development: A Meta-Analytical Review of Relative Age Effects in Sport. SM
Is there an influence of relative age on participation in non-physical sports activities? The example of shooting sports. JSS
The Relative Age Effect in Elite Sport: The French Case. RQES
Biological maturity status, body size, and exercise behaviour in British youth: A pilot study. JSS
Genetic Testing and Sports Medicine Ethics. SM
Genotype Distributions in Top-level Soccer Players: A Role for ACE? IJSM
Unique among unique. Is it genetically determined? BJSM
Birth Size, Infant Weight Gain, and Motor Development Influence Adult Physical Performance. MSSE
Peak athletic performance and ageing: Evidence from baseball. JSS
Apr - Aug 09
Game-based Training in Young Elite Handball Players. IJSM
Tactical skills of world-class youth soccer teams. JSS
Soccer Skill Development in Professionals. IJSM
Ball Impact Dynamics of Instep Soccer Kicking. MSSE
The development of skill and tactical competencies during a season of badminton. EJSS
Competitive Elite Golf: A Review of the Relationships between Playing Results, Technique and Physique. SM
An in-depth assessment of expert sprint coaches' technical knowledge. JSS
Endurance Athletes: What is the Optimal Training Strategy? IJSM
Analysis of lap times in international swimming competitions. JSS
Relationships between swim performance, maximal oxygen uptake and peak power output when wearing a wetsuit. JSMS
Fin Swimming Improves Respiratory Gas Exchange. IJSM
Assessment of an International Breaststroke Swimmer Using a Race Readiness Test. IJSPP
Strength & Conditioning
Aerobic Conditioning for Team Sport Athletes. SM
Rest Interval between Sets in Strength Training. SM
Forms of Variable Resistance Training. SCJ
Physiological Correlates of Golf Performance. JSCR
An Investigation Into the Relationship of Flexibility, Power, and Strength to Club Head Speed in Male Golfers. JSCR
Cardiac responses to swim bench exercise in age-group swimmers and non-athletic children. JSMS
The Quantification of Training Load, the Training Response and the Effect on Performance. SM
A mathematical model for quantifying training. EJAP
Load, stress, and recovery in adolescent rugby union players during a competitive season. JSS
Velocity-Specific Fatigue: Quantifying Fatigue during Variable Velocity Cycling. MSSE
Exercise and Fatigue. SM
Is it Time to Retire the `Central Governor'? SM
Lactate Threshold Concepts: How Valid are They? SM
Physiological Profile of Asian Elite Youth Soccer Players. JSCR
Relationship Between Anthropometric and Physiological Characteristics in Youth Soccer Players. JSCR
A Comparison of Post-Match Recovery Strategies in Youth Soccer Players. JSCR
Effects of cold-water immersion on physical performance between successive matches in high-performance junior male soccer players. JSS
Effect of cold-water immersion duration on body temperature and muscle function. JSS
Effect of water immersion methods on post-exercise recovery from simulated team sport exercise. JSMS
Recovery training in cyclists: ergometric, hormonal and psychometric findings. SJMSS
Effects of wearing compression garments on thermoregulation during simulated team sport activity in temperate environmental conditions. JSMS
The specificity of training prescription and physiological assessment: A review. JSS
Sports performance: is there evidence that the body clock plays a role? EJAP
Criterion-related validity of the 20-m shuttle run test in youths aged 13-19 years. JSS
Criterion-Related Validity of Sit-and-Reach and Modified Sit-and-Reach Test for Estimating Hamstring Flexibility in Children and Adolescents Aged 6-17 Years. IJSM
Improved Race Performance in Elite Middle-Distance Runners After Cumulative Altitude Exposure. IJSPP
Cycling Performance Following Adaptation to Two Protocols of Acutely Intermittent Hypoxia. IJSPP
Inspiratory Muscle Training and Endurance: A Central Metabolic Control Perspective. IJSPP
Catering for the Athletes Village at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: The Role of Sports Dietitians. IJSNEM
Feeding the Beijing Olympics: An Interview With Jillian Wanik. IJSNEM
Athletic Performance and Vitamin D. MSSE
Caffeine and Taurine Enhance Endurance Performance. IJSM
Is Ginseng an Ergogenic Aid? IJSNEM
Body composition of English Premier League soccer players: Influence of playing position, international status, and ethnicity. JSS
A simple and valid method to determine thermoregulatory sweating threshold and sensitivity. JAP
Practical Sports Nutrition: Survival Nutrition. IJSNEM
Biomechanics and technology development
Validity and reliability of kick count and rate in freestyle using inertial sensor technology. JSS
Validity and Reliability of GPS Units to Monitor Cricket-Specific Movement Patterns. IJSPP
An Evaluation of the Physiological Demands of Elite Rugby Union Using Global Positioning System Tracking Software. JSCR
Active and passive drag: the role of trunk incline. EJAP
Sports Medicine
UEFA injury study—an injury audit of European Championships 2006 to 2008. BJSM
Development and Implementation of a Standardized Precompetition Medical Assessment of International Elite Football Players-2006 FIFA World Cup Germany. CJSM
The Professionalization of Youth Sports: It's Time to Act! CJSM
Psychology and motor control
Mental fatigue impairs physical performance in humans. JAP
Competition stress in sport performers: Stressors experienced in the competition environment. JSS
A motivational model of performance in the sport domain. EJSS
A multi-component assessment model for monitoring training distress among athletes. EJSS
Athlete burnout in elite sport: A self-determination perspective. JSS
Possible early signs of athlete burnout: A prospective study. JSMS
Psychophysiological Stress Response during Competition between Elite and Non-elite Korean Junior Golfers. IJSM
Motor Control and LearningConditions of Practice in Perceptual Skill Learning. RQES
The Effect of Biological Movement Variability on the Performance of the Golf Swing in High- and Low-Handicapped Players. RQES
Sports Vision: Vision Care for the Enhancement of Sports Performance. MSSE
The Placebo Effect in Sports Performance: A Brief Review. SM
Talent ID and development
Talent identification and deliberate programming in skeleton: Ice novice to Winter Olympian in 14 months. JSS
Annual Age-Grouping and Athlete Development: A Meta-Analytical Review of Relative Age Effects in Sport. SM
Is there an influence of relative age on participation in non-physical sports activities? The example of shooting sports. JSS
The Relative Age Effect in Elite Sport: The French Case. RQES
Biological maturity status, body size, and exercise behaviour in British youth: A pilot study. JSS
Genetic Testing and Sports Medicine Ethics. SM
Genotype Distributions in Top-level Soccer Players: A Role for ACE? IJSM
Unique among unique. Is it genetically determined? BJSM
Birth Size, Infant Weight Gain, and Motor Development Influence Adult Physical Performance. MSSE
Peak athletic performance and ageing: Evidence from baseball. JSS
14 August 2009
Singapore Sports School to offer 6-year IB programme from 2010
Singapore Sports School to offer 6-year IB programme from 2010@CNA
SINGAPORE: From next year, the Singapore Sports School will be offering a six-year International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma programme to its students.
The programme, which does away with O-level and A-level examinations, is seen as a move to aid the development of young athletes.
The Singapore Sports School was seen as a revolutionary idea when it opened in 2004. It had opted for a more conventional four-year secondary education system then to ease the concerns of parents – many of whom were worried that their children would suffer academically.
Now, parents are calling for more to be done to support the long-term sporting careers of their children. The IB programme is a move in that direction by providing the flexibility needed to match the training schedules of the student athletes.
For one, the twice-yearly IB exam schedule means that students who are unable to take an exam due to competition preparations can do so at another sitting. Furthermore, they will remain in the Singapore Sports School till their late teens.
Mrs Deborah Tan, principal of the Singapore Sports School, said: "Those are crucial years in terms of their biological development and that's where their sports development will probably be showing up in terms of their potential, in terms of eventual performance as well.
"These additional two to three years that we're offering beyond the secondary programme are extremely important for athletes in terms of their longevity in the sport, and the sports school is here to help them achieve that."
Students may choose from traditional subjects in the Arts and Sciences, and may also take up modules in Sports Science.
Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports, said the widely recognised diploma programme will open more doors for young athletes.
"You take a child at age 13 doesn't mean it's all over in four years or six years for that matter. The key is to provide training that commensurate with his or her maturity, and keep as many options open as possible," he said.
The Singapore Sports School will take in its first batch of IB students next year, with a cohort of 20 to 30 students.
The programme will also take in students at any point during the six years, even those who are not from the sports school. These students, however, will need to demonstrate a sporting ability.
The IB programme is not the only through-train option available for students. The school currently has tie-ups with Republic Polytechnic and the Auckland University of Technology, where students can continue with a diploma programme after Secondary Four, without sitting for the O-levels.
SINGAPORE: From next year, the Singapore Sports School will be offering a six-year International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma programme to its students.
The programme, which does away with O-level and A-level examinations, is seen as a move to aid the development of young athletes.
The Singapore Sports School was seen as a revolutionary idea when it opened in 2004. It had opted for a more conventional four-year secondary education system then to ease the concerns of parents – many of whom were worried that their children would suffer academically.
Now, parents are calling for more to be done to support the long-term sporting careers of their children. The IB programme is a move in that direction by providing the flexibility needed to match the training schedules of the student athletes.
For one, the twice-yearly IB exam schedule means that students who are unable to take an exam due to competition preparations can do so at another sitting. Furthermore, they will remain in the Singapore Sports School till their late teens.
Mrs Deborah Tan, principal of the Singapore Sports School, said: "Those are crucial years in terms of their biological development and that's where their sports development will probably be showing up in terms of their potential, in terms of eventual performance as well.
"These additional two to three years that we're offering beyond the secondary programme are extremely important for athletes in terms of their longevity in the sport, and the sports school is here to help them achieve that."
Students may choose from traditional subjects in the Arts and Sciences, and may also take up modules in Sports Science.
Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports, said the widely recognised diploma programme will open more doors for young athletes.
"You take a child at age 13 doesn't mean it's all over in four years or six years for that matter. The key is to provide training that commensurate with his or her maturity, and keep as many options open as possible," he said.
The Singapore Sports School will take in its first batch of IB students next year, with a cohort of 20 to 30 students.
The programme will also take in students at any point during the six years, even those who are not from the sports school. These students, however, will need to demonstrate a sporting ability.
The IB programme is not the only through-train option available for students. The school currently has tie-ups with Republic Polytechnic and the Auckland University of Technology, where students can continue with a diploma programme after Secondary Four, without sitting for the O-levels.
20 July 2009
British Triathlon TID programme
British Triathlon Launches Talent ID programme@UK Sport
British Triathlon has launched a new talent identification programme called ‘trigold’ and is looking to recruit existing high calibre athletes, who have the drive and determination to move into triathlon and win Olympic gold in London 2012.
With just three years before the Olympics, British Triathlon are looking for male and female runners who meet set performance criteria (see notes to editors), are aged between 18 and 30 and also have a history of competitive swimming at club or county level. Athletes who meet these requirements are invited to apply for ‘trigold’ at www.trigold.org.
Applicants will be invited to a three day initial assessment at the National Performance Centre in Loughborough where athletes can get their first taste of triathlon and meet the elite performance team.
Following the initial assessment, successful athletes will be invited onto an intensive three month training programme before then moving onto a nine month fully funded scholarship with British Triathlon providing a training, development and performance programme to develop the athletes swim, bike and run skills.
British Triathlon has launched a new talent identification programme called ‘trigold’ and is looking to recruit existing high calibre athletes, who have the drive and determination to move into triathlon and win Olympic gold in London 2012.
With just three years before the Olympics, British Triathlon are looking for male and female runners who meet set performance criteria (see notes to editors), are aged between 18 and 30 and also have a history of competitive swimming at club or county level. Athletes who meet these requirements are invited to apply for ‘trigold’ at www.trigold.org.
Applicants will be invited to a three day initial assessment at the National Performance Centre in Loughborough where athletes can get their first taste of triathlon and meet the elite performance team.
Following the initial assessment, successful athletes will be invited onto an intensive three month training programme before then moving onto a nine month fully funded scholarship with British Triathlon providing a training, development and performance programme to develop the athletes swim, bike and run skills.
08 July 2009
AYG 09 ended: Team Singapore review
The 9-day Asian Youth Games (AYG) ended on 7 July. From Singapore, 90 athletes competed in swimming, athletics, football, 3-on-3 basketball, beach volleyball, bowling, shooting, sailing and table tennis at the Games, winning 9 gold, 6 silver and 15 bronze medals in six sports.
Out of the 90 athletes in Team Singapore for the AYG, 33 are from the Singapore Sports School (SSS). Out of the 30 medals won by Team Singapore, SSS athletes contributed 17 medals (5 Gold, 5 Silver and 7 Bronze medals).
From my personal findings at AYG, the following key areas that Youth Olympic Games (YOG) athletes and supporting teams will need to work on towards next year YOG:
- Physical preparation (eg hard work, skill development, intense training
camps, stamina)
- Mental preparation (eg simulation, confidence, focus, toughness,
- Recovery (eg sleep, nutrition)
- Coaches as motivation
- Team and family support
- Clear tactics (winning strategies).
Out of the 90 athletes in Team Singapore for the AYG, 33 are from the Singapore Sports School (SSS). Out of the 30 medals won by Team Singapore, SSS athletes contributed 17 medals (5 Gold, 5 Silver and 7 Bronze medals).
From my personal findings at AYG, the following key areas that Youth Olympic Games (YOG) athletes and supporting teams will need to work on towards next year YOG:
- Physical preparation (eg hard work, skill development, intense training
camps, stamina)
- Mental preparation (eg simulation, confidence, focus, toughness,
- Recovery (eg sleep, nutrition)
- Coaches as motivation
- Team and family support
- Clear tactics (winning strategies).
30 June 2009
AYG officially open
Singapore's PM Lee opens inaugural Asian Youth Games@CNA
SINGAPORE: The inaugural Asian Youth Games (AYG) was officially opened by Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Monday evening. The two-hour ceremony at the Singapore Indoor Stadium was attended by some 7,000 spectators.
SINGAPORE: The inaugural Asian Youth Games (AYG) was officially opened by Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Monday evening. The two-hour ceremony at the Singapore Indoor Stadium was attended by some 7,000 spectators.
18 June 2009
AYG H1N1 flu precaution plans
AYG Committee unveils H1N1 flu precaution plans@CNA
The AYG participants have been advised to get themselves vaccinated against the seasonal flu at least two weeks before they arrive, and to familiarise themselves with the current control measures in Singapore.
Upon arrival, each athlete will be issued a flu kit. Inside it include a health advisory, a surgical mask, a digital thermometer and a hand sanitiser. Athletes will also have to undergo twice daily temperature checks which will be supervised.
Participants are also advised to monitor their health closely and stay in their rooms if they are unwell.
But if flu-like symptoms develop, help is close at hand - a 23-room medical centre that has 12 isolation rooms and a pharmacy. The medical centre occupies the ninth floor of Swissotel, the athlete's village.
The centre previously consisted of eight rooms, but the organising committee has since decided to increase that number to the current 23.
20 staff including three doctors, two primary health care providers and two physiotherapists will be on hand to assist with any medical needs.
Suspect cases will be tested for H1N1 flu with a throat swab, and a dedicated ambulance service is available to ferry patients to the Communicable Disease Centre.
The AYG participants have been advised to get themselves vaccinated against the seasonal flu at least two weeks before they arrive, and to familiarise themselves with the current control measures in Singapore.
Upon arrival, each athlete will be issued a flu kit. Inside it include a health advisory, a surgical mask, a digital thermometer and a hand sanitiser. Athletes will also have to undergo twice daily temperature checks which will be supervised.
Participants are also advised to monitor their health closely and stay in their rooms if they are unwell.
But if flu-like symptoms develop, help is close at hand - a 23-room medical centre that has 12 isolation rooms and a pharmacy. The medical centre occupies the ninth floor of Swissotel, the athlete's village.
The centre previously consisted of eight rooms, but the organising committee has since decided to increase that number to the current 23.
20 staff including three doctors, two primary health care providers and two physiotherapists will be on hand to assist with any medical needs.
Suspect cases will be tested for H1N1 flu with a throat swab, and a dedicated ambulance service is available to ferry patients to the Communicable Disease Centre.
02 June 2009
opening of Kano Jigoro Memorial International Sport Institute
Japan sets up Olympic Institute to celebrate centenary@inside the games
May 30 - The Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) has marked the centenary of its country’s active involvement in the Olympic Movement by announcing the creation of the Kano Jigoro Memorial International Sport Institute.
The Institute, inaugurated exactly 100 years after Jigoro Kano became the first International Olympic Committee (IOC) member from Asia, will promote the values of Olympism in Japan and across the world.
Officials from Tokyo's bid to follow London and host the 2016 Olympics also hope that the formation of the Institute will demonstrate Japan's committment to the Games.
As a demonstration of Japanese society’s commitment to the Olympic Movement on all levels, the Institute will focus on Olympic education and research, the fight against doping and programmes to support internationally development through sport, they said.
Its establishment will ensure that the legacy of Jigoro Kano – the legendary founder of the long-standing Olympic sport of judo – will continue to benefit the Olympic Movement.
Like Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the IOC, Kano was passionate about the educational qualities of
The Institute will serve as a hub for the people of Asia and from across the world for the promotion of the social and cultural values of Olympism, international sporting and intercultural exchange, and world peace through sport, officials claimed.
It will also serve as a coordinating organisation for the international aid and contributions made by the Japanese Government and other entities through sports.
Formed in partnership by the JOC, the Japan Sports Association (JASA), the Japan Anti-Doping Agency (JADA) and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the Kano Jigoro Memorial International Sport Institute is also supported by the Japanese business community.
Hiroshi Okuda, the senior advisor to the Toyota Motor Corporation, is expected to play on its board.
May 30 - The Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) has marked the centenary of its country’s active involvement in the Olympic Movement by announcing the creation of the Kano Jigoro Memorial International Sport Institute.
The Institute, inaugurated exactly 100 years after Jigoro Kano became the first International Olympic Committee (IOC) member from Asia, will promote the values of Olympism in Japan and across the world.
Officials from Tokyo's bid to follow London and host the 2016 Olympics also hope that the formation of the Institute will demonstrate Japan's committment to the Games.
As a demonstration of Japanese society’s commitment to the Olympic Movement on all levels, the Institute will focus on Olympic education and research, the fight against doping and programmes to support internationally development through sport, they said.
Its establishment will ensure that the legacy of Jigoro Kano – the legendary founder of the long-standing Olympic sport of judo – will continue to benefit the Olympic Movement.
Like Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the IOC, Kano was passionate about the educational qualities of
The Institute will serve as a hub for the people of Asia and from across the world for the promotion of the social and cultural values of Olympism, international sporting and intercultural exchange, and world peace through sport, officials claimed.
It will also serve as a coordinating organisation for the international aid and contributions made by the Japanese Government and other entities through sports.
Formed in partnership by the JOC, the Japan Sports Association (JASA), the Japan Anti-Doping Agency (JADA) and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the Kano Jigoro Memorial International Sport Institute is also supported by the Japanese business community.
Hiroshi Okuda, the senior advisor to the Toyota Motor Corporation, is expected to play on its board.
28 May 2009
YOG update
Youth Olympics well on track, with 15 months to opening@CNA
Singapore: Preparations for the first Youth Olympic Games to be held in 2010 are progressing well, said the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC).
At the end of a visit by the YOG Coordination Commission on Wednesday, good progress was reported on the finalisation of the sports programme, with the daily competition schedule almost complete.
Singapore: Preparations for the first Youth Olympic Games to be held in 2010 are progressing well, said the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC).
At the end of a visit by the YOG Coordination Commission on Wednesday, good progress was reported on the finalisation of the sports programme, with the daily competition schedule almost complete.
25 May 2009
significance of YOG
How important is the concept of the Youth Olympic Games?@sport business
For the best young athletes, The Youth Games immediately become an inspirational challenge, and they will no doubt be fantastic fun to take part in. You can see the events’ stature quickly building and great stories evolving over time, as athletes competing in Singapore win through to The Games of the future.
The big job remaining, will be to build on the success and experiences of the 3,000+ who have been embraced by the event, to spread the word and inspire even more young people to participate in sport when they return to their homes all around the world.
For the best young athletes, The Youth Games immediately become an inspirational challenge, and they will no doubt be fantastic fun to take part in. You can see the events’ stature quickly building and great stories evolving over time, as athletes competing in Singapore win through to The Games of the future.
The big job remaining, will be to build on the success and experiences of the 3,000+ who have been embraced by the event, to spread the word and inspire even more young people to participate in sport when they return to their homes all around the world.
15 May 2009
China budget for London Olympics
China amasses $120m to fund Olympic athlete preparations@sportbusiness
The Chinese Olympic Committee (COC) earned $60 million from the Beijing Olympics, and has raised another $60 million to fund its athletes’ preparations for the London Olympics in 2012.
The Chinese Olympic Committee (COC) earned $60 million from the Beijing Olympics, and has raised another $60 million to fund its athletes’ preparations for the London Olympics in 2012.
14 May 2009
Singapore Olympic Pathway Programme for London Olympics
Pathway to 2012 Olympics@Straits Times
A NEW Olympic Pathway Programme (OPP) has been launched to provide focused support for Singapore's top athletes at the 2012 London Olympics.
Athletes who have the potential to win medals at the coming Games, or who show potential for significant achievement at the Games, will be considered for the Programme.
The first batch of athletes to be considered for the programme are paddlers Feng Tianwei, Wang Yuegu, Sun Beibei and Yu Mengyu; swimmer Tao Li and shooter Jasmine Ser.
More athletes may be added to the programme when they meet the eligibility criteria.
Mr Teo Ser Luck, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Ministy of Community Development, Youth and Sports, and Ministy of Transport, will helm the OPP Steering Committee.
He said on Thursday: 'The OPP is an additional support mechanism to help our athletes push for Olympic success.
'We hope that this programme will provide more motivation for our athletes to fulfil their Olympic ambitions and realise our vision of developing a sports institute to groom more elite athletes.'
A NEW Olympic Pathway Programme (OPP) has been launched to provide focused support for Singapore's top athletes at the 2012 London Olympics.
Athletes who have the potential to win medals at the coming Games, or who show potential for significant achievement at the Games, will be considered for the Programme.
The first batch of athletes to be considered for the programme are paddlers Feng Tianwei, Wang Yuegu, Sun Beibei and Yu Mengyu; swimmer Tao Li and shooter Jasmine Ser.
More athletes may be added to the programme when they meet the eligibility criteria.
Mr Teo Ser Luck, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Ministy of Community Development, Youth and Sports, and Ministy of Transport, will helm the OPP Steering Committee.
He said on Thursday: 'The OPP is an additional support mechanism to help our athletes push for Olympic success.
'We hope that this programme will provide more motivation for our athletes to fulfil their Olympic ambitions and realise our vision of developing a sports institute to groom more elite athletes.'
14 April 2009
Singapore sports scene update
Youth sports development gets $15m boost@Straits Times
The Singapore Youth Sports Development (SYSD) committee announced yesterday that $15 million will be jointly committed by the Ministry of Community, Youth and Sports (MCYS), the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Singapore Totalisator Board to support youth sports development initiatives.
The committee, jointly set up by MCYS and MOE last September, will allocate $5 million for training athletes for the YOG, with the remaining $10 million to be used for developing a national talent framework in schools.
While Singapore's estimated 535,000 students under the age of 18 go through physical education lessons, only 10 per cent represent their schools in competitions.
Among the plans to unearth more talent and grow the sporting pool are the formation of training centres for each of the 26 YOG sports.
Specialised workshops and programmes will also be organised, on top of more sports medicine and sports science support.
SSC to channel S$58.8m to NSAs this year@CNA
More money will be channelled to National Sports Associations (NSAs) this year. S$58.8 million will be disbursed, a 25 per cent increase from the S$47 million given out last year.
Most of the additional funds will go towards helping the associations prepare for the upcoming Asian Youth Games.
NSAs can also look forward to multi-year planning, and funds will be made available to those with good and viable programmes.
Sports Council rolls out plans to reach the very young in pre-schools@CNA
There are some 194,000 children under the age of four in Singapore and the Singapore Sports Council (SSC) hopes to get them to embrace sports even at this tender age by developing a Fundamental Skills Programme for those aged 18 months to six years old.
Details are being worked out, but about a S$100,000 will be spent to develop the curriculum. The council will also work with private sector companies to roll out the programme in pre-school institutions later this year.
8 new schools chosen to train promising young athletes@CNA
The Education Ministry's talent spotting scheme for young athletes has been expanded to include eight new schools.
Yio Chu Kang Primary School is one of the newest Junior Sports Academies, tasked to identify and train promising talent in sports such as shooting, fencing and swimming.
Four of these centralised training institutes were set up in 2008 and since then, they have trained 260 young athletes in wushu, table-tennis, badminton, and track and field.
The eight new schools are Anglican High School, Anglo-Chinese (Primary), Catholic High School, Yio Chu Kang Primary, Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary, Nan Hua Primary, Pasir Ris Crest Secondary, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' (Secondary) School.
The Singapore Youth Sports Development (SYSD) committee announced yesterday that $15 million will be jointly committed by the Ministry of Community, Youth and Sports (MCYS), the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Singapore Totalisator Board to support youth sports development initiatives.
The committee, jointly set up by MCYS and MOE last September, will allocate $5 million for training athletes for the YOG, with the remaining $10 million to be used for developing a national talent framework in schools.
While Singapore's estimated 535,000 students under the age of 18 go through physical education lessons, only 10 per cent represent their schools in competitions.
Among the plans to unearth more talent and grow the sporting pool are the formation of training centres for each of the 26 YOG sports.
Specialised workshops and programmes will also be organised, on top of more sports medicine and sports science support.
SSC to channel S$58.8m to NSAs this year@CNA
More money will be channelled to National Sports Associations (NSAs) this year. S$58.8 million will be disbursed, a 25 per cent increase from the S$47 million given out last year.
Most of the additional funds will go towards helping the associations prepare for the upcoming Asian Youth Games.
NSAs can also look forward to multi-year planning, and funds will be made available to those with good and viable programmes.
Sports Council rolls out plans to reach the very young in pre-schools@CNA
There are some 194,000 children under the age of four in Singapore and the Singapore Sports Council (SSC) hopes to get them to embrace sports even at this tender age by developing a Fundamental Skills Programme for those aged 18 months to six years old.
Details are being worked out, but about a S$100,000 will be spent to develop the curriculum. The council will also work with private sector companies to roll out the programme in pre-school institutions later this year.
8 new schools chosen to train promising young athletes@CNA
The Education Ministry's talent spotting scheme for young athletes has been expanded to include eight new schools.
Yio Chu Kang Primary School is one of the newest Junior Sports Academies, tasked to identify and train promising talent in sports such as shooting, fencing and swimming.
Four of these centralised training institutes were set up in 2008 and since then, they have trained 260 young athletes in wushu, table-tennis, badminton, and track and field.
The eight new schools are Anglican High School, Anglo-Chinese (Primary), Catholic High School, Yio Chu Kang Primary, Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary, Nan Hua Primary, Pasir Ris Crest Secondary, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' (Secondary) School.
08 April 2009
AIS Robert T Withers PhD Scholar Award for physiologists
Talented sports physiologists recognised for excellence@AIS
Talented sports physiologists Nicola Bullock and Eileen Robertson from the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) have been named joint winners of the inaugural AIS Robert T Withers PhD Scholar Award.
‘Both of the PhD scholars are working at the forefront of sports science research and development and pushing the limits of scientific inquiry to help Australian athletes and teams gain that winning edge,’ said Professor Gore. ‘They have shown tremendous passion, drive and commitment in their PhD research work.’
Nicola Bullock was commended for her exhaustive PhD research into the performance of Australia’s winter athletes in skeleton racing. Her research, which was mentored by Dr David Martin, has let to a much greater understanding of key factors that affected the performance of skeleton athletes at the Winter Olympic Games.
Eileen Robertson, currently a lecturer in exercise physiology at the University of Canberra, was recognised for her significant contribution under the guidance of Professor David Pyne to physiological expertise and support that helped maximise the performance of AIS swimmers and teams in preparation for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
The AIS Robert T Withers PhD Scholar Award includes a $5000 prize and medallion. It is open to current PhD scholars (or individuals who graduated less than one year ago) from any Australian university, sports institute or academy, who have conducted exercise physiology research that has had a substantial impact, or the potential to have a strong impact, on Australian sport.
Talented sports physiologists Nicola Bullock and Eileen Robertson from the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) have been named joint winners of the inaugural AIS Robert T Withers PhD Scholar Award.
‘Both of the PhD scholars are working at the forefront of sports science research and development and pushing the limits of scientific inquiry to help Australian athletes and teams gain that winning edge,’ said Professor Gore. ‘They have shown tremendous passion, drive and commitment in their PhD research work.’
Nicola Bullock was commended for her exhaustive PhD research into the performance of Australia’s winter athletes in skeleton racing. Her research, which was mentored by Dr David Martin, has let to a much greater understanding of key factors that affected the performance of skeleton athletes at the Winter Olympic Games.
Eileen Robertson, currently a lecturer in exercise physiology at the University of Canberra, was recognised for her significant contribution under the guidance of Professor David Pyne to physiological expertise and support that helped maximise the performance of AIS swimmers and teams in preparation for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
The AIS Robert T Withers PhD Scholar Award includes a $5000 prize and medallion. It is open to current PhD scholars (or individuals who graduated less than one year ago) from any Australian university, sports institute or academy, who have conducted exercise physiology research that has had a substantial impact, or the potential to have a strong impact, on Australian sport.
03 April 2009
Singapore Sports School to offer a 6-years long term athlete development programme
Singapore Sports School to offer 6-year education programme@CNA
SINGAPORE: Singapore Sports School has plans to introduce a six-year education programme next year. Currently, the school offers a four-year O-Level course for its students.
Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports, Vivian Balakrishnan, joined in the school's 5th anniversary celebrations on Thursday.
He also opened "The Champion Heritage Centre", which chronicles the school's sports and academic achievements.
The school in Woodlands now wants to offer more to students, some of whom have also excelled in their studies.
Dr Balakrishnan said: "When we first started the Sports School, we said that we will provide secondary school education up to O-Levels and then the students would have to move on. We now realise that we need a longer platform for these students, so we will run a six-year programme."
The in-house programme will be introduced next year for the secondary one cohort. The school now has tie-ups with other institutions offering A-Level, Diploma and even degree programmes.
Over the years, the school has achieved much in the sporting arena and the new six-year education programme will ensure that the students can balance between studies and sports.
More manpower will be recruited to support the programme, but for now, there are no plans to expand the infrastructure.
Expending their energies, 400 students showed off their creative skills in a concert as part of the celebrations.
SINGAPORE: Singapore Sports School has plans to introduce a six-year education programme next year. Currently, the school offers a four-year O-Level course for its students.
Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports, Vivian Balakrishnan, joined in the school's 5th anniversary celebrations on Thursday.
He also opened "The Champion Heritage Centre", which chronicles the school's sports and academic achievements.
The school in Woodlands now wants to offer more to students, some of whom have also excelled in their studies.
Dr Balakrishnan said: "When we first started the Sports School, we said that we will provide secondary school education up to O-Levels and then the students would have to move on. We now realise that we need a longer platform for these students, so we will run a six-year programme."
The in-house programme will be introduced next year for the secondary one cohort. The school now has tie-ups with other institutions offering A-Level, Diploma and even degree programmes.
Over the years, the school has achieved much in the sporting arena and the new six-year education programme will ensure that the students can balance between studies and sports.
More manpower will be recruited to support the programme, but for now, there are no plans to expand the infrastructure.
Expending their energies, 400 students showed off their creative skills in a concert as part of the celebrations.
18 March 2009
Sports Sci J@Nov 08-Mar 09
This is the latest sports science journal update.
Nov 08-Mar 09
Peaking for optimal performance: Research limitations and future directions. JSS (free access)
What makes coaches tick? The impact of coaches' intrinsic and extrinsic motives on their own satisfaction and that of their athletes. SJMSS
Does Improved Decision-Making Ability Reduce the Physiological Demands of Game-Based Activities in Field Sport Athletes? JSCR
Does Childhood Motor Skill Proficiency Predict Adolescent Fitness? MSSE
The changing shape of “successful” professional footballers. JSS (free acces)
Fitness determinants of success in men's and women's football. JSS
Analysis of High Intensity Activity in Premier League Soccer. IJSPP
Analysis of lap times in international swimming competitions. JSS
Relationships between swim performance, maximal oxygen uptake and peak power output when wearing a wetsuit. JSMS
Analysis of speed, stroke rate, and stroke distance for world-class breaststroke swimming. JSS
Movement coordination patterns in triple jump training drills. JSS
The Professionalization of Youth Sports: It's Time to Act! CJSM
Strength & Conditioning
Optimizing Performance by Improving Core Stability and Core Strength. SM
Understanding Change of Direction Ability in Sport: A Review of Resistance Training Studies. SM
Cross-Sectional Area and Muscular Strength: A Brief Review. SM
Comparison of Linear and Reverse Linear Periodization Effects on Maximal Strength and Body Composition. JSCR
Sprint Training in Preadolescent Soccer Players. IJSPP
Squat Jump Training at Maximal Power Loads vs. Heavy Loads: Effect on Sprint Ability. JSCR
Determining Variables of Plyometric Training for Improving Vertical Jump Height Performance: A Meta-Analysis. JSCR
Vibration Training: Could It Enhance the Strength, Power, or Speed of Athletes? JSCR
Using Functional Tests to Identify Core Weakness. PTJ
Effects of Static Stretching on Repeated Sprint and Change of Direction Performance. MSSE
Dynamic Stretching and Golf Swing Performance. IJSPP
Basketball game-related statistics that discriminate between teams' season-long success. EJSS
Fatigue management in the preparation of Olympic athletes. JSS
Technical performance during soccer matches of the Italian Serie A league: Effect of fatigue and competitive level. JSMS
Sea-Level Exercise Performance Following Adaptation to Hypoxia: A Meta-Analysis. SM
Cycling Performance Following Adaptation to Two Protocols of Acutely Intermittent Hypoxia. IJSPP
Improved Race Performance in Elite Middle-Distance Runners After Cumulative Altitude Exposure. IJSPP
Improved running economy and increased hemoglobin mass in elite runners after extended moderate altitude exposure. JSMS
The Influence of Respiratory Muscle Training Upon Intermittent Exercise Performance. IJSM
The Effects of Wearing Lower-Body Compression Garments During Endurance Cycling. IJSPP
The Effects of Compression Garments on Intermittent Exercise Performance and Recovery on Consecutive Days. IJSPP
Effects of wearing compression garments on physiological and performance measures in a simulated game-specific circuit for netball. JSMS
Effect of Compression Stockings on Running Performance in Men Runners. JSCR
The influence of cold water immersions on adaptation following a single bout of damaging exercise. EJAP
Effect of cold water immersion after exercise in the heat on muscle function, body temperatures, and vessel diameter. JSMS
To Cool, But Not Too Cool: That Is the Question-Immersion Cooling for Hyperthermia. MSSE
Cold-induced vasodilation. EJAP
Mental fatigue impairs physical performance in humans. JAP (free access)
Training and 24-hr Urinary Catecholamine Excretion. IJSM
Changes in heart rate recovery after high-intensity training in well-trained cyclists. EJAP
Validity and Reliability of Short-Term Heart-Rate Variability from the Polar S810. MSSE
Effect of high intensity intermittent training on heart rate variability in prepubescent children. EJAP
The Ecological Validity and Application of the Session-RPE Method for Quantifying Training Loads in Swimming. JSCR
Using Session-RPE to Monitor Training Load in Swimmers. SCJ
Aerobic Cost in Elite Female Adolescent Swimmers. IJSM
A Method for Determining Critical Swimming Velocity. IJSM
Characteristics of performance in skeleton World Cup races. JSS
Validity of the Running Repeated Sprint Ability Test Among Playing Positions and Level of Competitiveness in Trained Soccer Players. IJSM
Is a fatigue index a worthwhile measure of repeated sprint ability? JSMS
Repeated-bout exercise in the heat in young athletes: physiological strain and perceptual responses. JAP
Longitudinal changes in haemoglobin mass and V O2max in adolescents. EJAP
Effect of commercial airline travel on oxygen saturation in athletes. BJSM
Why does exercise terminate at the maximal lactate steady state intensity? BJSM
Progressive Statistics for Studies in Sports Medicine and Exercise Science. MSSE
Measurement Studies in Sports Science Research. IJSPP
Inference About Magnitudes of Effects. IJSPP
Game creativity analysis using neural networks. JSS
Nutrition and Athletic Performance. MSSE
Dehydration: Cause of Fatigue or Sign of Pacing in Elite Soccer? SM
Rates of fluid ingestion alter pacing but not thermoregulatory responses during prolonged exercise in hot and humid conditions with appropriate convective cooling. EJAP
Core temperature differences between males and females during intermittent exercise: physical considerations. EJAP
Caffeine Improves Physical and Cognitive Performance during Exhaustive Exercise. MSSE
Caffeine and sports performance. APNM
Effect of Caffeine on Sport-Specific Endurance Performance: A Systematic Review. JSCR
Ramadan Fasting’s Effect on Plasma Leptin, Adiponectin Concentrations, and Body Composition in Trained Young Men. IJSNEM
A Review of Vision-Based Motion Analysis in Sport. SM
Validity and reliability of a simple categorical tool for the assessment of interceptive skill. JSMS
Relationships between stroke parameters and critical swimming speed in a sprint interval training set. JSS
Validity of the use of a fixed point for intracycle velocity calculations in swimming. JSMS
Effects of different shoe-lacing patterns on the biomechanics of running shoes. JSS
Sports Medicine
Selected Issues for the Adolescent Athlete and the Team Physician: A Consensus Statement. MSSE
The Inflammatory Response to Skeletal Muscle Injury: Illuminating Complexities. SM
Another major win for physiotherapy — curing patellofemoral pain. BJSM
Patellofemoral pain syndrome: a review on the associated neuromuscular deficits and current treatment options. BJSM
Sports Injuries Surveillance During the 2007 IAAF World Athletics Championships. CJSM
Epidemiological studies of injuries in rugby league: Suggestions for definitions, data collection and reporting methods. JSMS
Is your prescription of distance running shoes evidence-based? BJSM
The Epidemiology and Aetiology of Injuries in Sailing. SM
Total Hemoglobin Mass-A New Parameter to Detect Blood Doping? MSSE
Medication Use by Athletes at the Athens 2004 Summer Olympic Games. CJSM
What to tell the media—or not: consensus guidelines for sports physicians. BJSM
Why do English players fail in soccer penalty shootouts? A study of team status, self-regulation, and choking under pressure. JSS
Coping Skills of Olympic Developmental Soccer Athletes. IJSM
The effects of perceived and received support on objective performance outcome. EJSS
Reflective practice, experience, and the interpretation of anxiety symptoms. JSS
Talent ID and development
Anthropometric and performance measures for the development of a talent detection and identification model in youth handball. JSS
Birthplace effects on the development of female athletic talent. JSMS
Birth date and birth place effects in National Hockey League draftees 2000–2005: comments on Baker and Logan (2007). BJSM
Do anthropometric and fitness characteristics vary according to birth date distribution in elite youth academy soccer players? SJMSS
Validity and Reliability of the Medicine Ball Throw for Kindergarten Children. JSCR
Global Gene Expression in Skeletal Muscle from Well-Trained Strength and Endurance Athletes. MSSE
The Human Gene Map for Performance and Health-Related Fitness Phenotypes: The 2006-2007 Update. MSSE
Endurance Performance: Genes or Gene Combinations? IJSM
Nov 08-Mar 09
Peaking for optimal performance: Research limitations and future directions. JSS (free access)
What makes coaches tick? The impact of coaches' intrinsic and extrinsic motives on their own satisfaction and that of their athletes. SJMSS
Does Improved Decision-Making Ability Reduce the Physiological Demands of Game-Based Activities in Field Sport Athletes? JSCR
Does Childhood Motor Skill Proficiency Predict Adolescent Fitness? MSSE
The changing shape of “successful” professional footballers. JSS (free acces)
Fitness determinants of success in men's and women's football. JSS
Analysis of High Intensity Activity in Premier League Soccer. IJSPP
Analysis of lap times in international swimming competitions. JSS
Relationships between swim performance, maximal oxygen uptake and peak power output when wearing a wetsuit. JSMS
Analysis of speed, stroke rate, and stroke distance for world-class breaststroke swimming. JSS
Movement coordination patterns in triple jump training drills. JSS
The Professionalization of Youth Sports: It's Time to Act! CJSM
Strength & Conditioning
Optimizing Performance by Improving Core Stability and Core Strength. SM
Understanding Change of Direction Ability in Sport: A Review of Resistance Training Studies. SM
Cross-Sectional Area and Muscular Strength: A Brief Review. SM
Comparison of Linear and Reverse Linear Periodization Effects on Maximal Strength and Body Composition. JSCR
Sprint Training in Preadolescent Soccer Players. IJSPP
Squat Jump Training at Maximal Power Loads vs. Heavy Loads: Effect on Sprint Ability. JSCR
Determining Variables of Plyometric Training for Improving Vertical Jump Height Performance: A Meta-Analysis. JSCR
Vibration Training: Could It Enhance the Strength, Power, or Speed of Athletes? JSCR
Using Functional Tests to Identify Core Weakness. PTJ
Effects of Static Stretching on Repeated Sprint and Change of Direction Performance. MSSE
Dynamic Stretching and Golf Swing Performance. IJSPP
Basketball game-related statistics that discriminate between teams' season-long success. EJSS
Fatigue management in the preparation of Olympic athletes. JSS
Technical performance during soccer matches of the Italian Serie A league: Effect of fatigue and competitive level. JSMS
Sea-Level Exercise Performance Following Adaptation to Hypoxia: A Meta-Analysis. SM
Cycling Performance Following Adaptation to Two Protocols of Acutely Intermittent Hypoxia. IJSPP
Improved Race Performance in Elite Middle-Distance Runners After Cumulative Altitude Exposure. IJSPP
Improved running economy and increased hemoglobin mass in elite runners after extended moderate altitude exposure. JSMS
The Influence of Respiratory Muscle Training Upon Intermittent Exercise Performance. IJSM
The Effects of Wearing Lower-Body Compression Garments During Endurance Cycling. IJSPP
The Effects of Compression Garments on Intermittent Exercise Performance and Recovery on Consecutive Days. IJSPP
Effects of wearing compression garments on physiological and performance measures in a simulated game-specific circuit for netball. JSMS
Effect of Compression Stockings on Running Performance in Men Runners. JSCR
The influence of cold water immersions on adaptation following a single bout of damaging exercise. EJAP
Effect of cold water immersion after exercise in the heat on muscle function, body temperatures, and vessel diameter. JSMS
To Cool, But Not Too Cool: That Is the Question-Immersion Cooling for Hyperthermia. MSSE
Cold-induced vasodilation. EJAP
Mental fatigue impairs physical performance in humans. JAP (free access)
Training and 24-hr Urinary Catecholamine Excretion. IJSM
Changes in heart rate recovery after high-intensity training in well-trained cyclists. EJAP
Validity and Reliability of Short-Term Heart-Rate Variability from the Polar S810. MSSE
Effect of high intensity intermittent training on heart rate variability in prepubescent children. EJAP
The Ecological Validity and Application of the Session-RPE Method for Quantifying Training Loads in Swimming. JSCR
Using Session-RPE to Monitor Training Load in Swimmers. SCJ
Aerobic Cost in Elite Female Adolescent Swimmers. IJSM
A Method for Determining Critical Swimming Velocity. IJSM
Characteristics of performance in skeleton World Cup races. JSS
Validity of the Running Repeated Sprint Ability Test Among Playing Positions and Level of Competitiveness in Trained Soccer Players. IJSM
Is a fatigue index a worthwhile measure of repeated sprint ability? JSMS
Repeated-bout exercise in the heat in young athletes: physiological strain and perceptual responses. JAP
Longitudinal changes in haemoglobin mass and V O2max in adolescents. EJAP
Effect of commercial airline travel on oxygen saturation in athletes. BJSM
Why does exercise terminate at the maximal lactate steady state intensity? BJSM
Progressive Statistics for Studies in Sports Medicine and Exercise Science. MSSE
Measurement Studies in Sports Science Research. IJSPP
Inference About Magnitudes of Effects. IJSPP
Game creativity analysis using neural networks. JSS
Nutrition and Athletic Performance. MSSE
Dehydration: Cause of Fatigue or Sign of Pacing in Elite Soccer? SM
Rates of fluid ingestion alter pacing but not thermoregulatory responses during prolonged exercise in hot and humid conditions with appropriate convective cooling. EJAP
Core temperature differences between males and females during intermittent exercise: physical considerations. EJAP
Caffeine Improves Physical and Cognitive Performance during Exhaustive Exercise. MSSE
Caffeine and sports performance. APNM
Effect of Caffeine on Sport-Specific Endurance Performance: A Systematic Review. JSCR
Ramadan Fasting’s Effect on Plasma Leptin, Adiponectin Concentrations, and Body Composition in Trained Young Men. IJSNEM
A Review of Vision-Based Motion Analysis in Sport. SM
Validity and reliability of a simple categorical tool for the assessment of interceptive skill. JSMS
Relationships between stroke parameters and critical swimming speed in a sprint interval training set. JSS
Validity of the use of a fixed point for intracycle velocity calculations in swimming. JSMS
Effects of different shoe-lacing patterns on the biomechanics of running shoes. JSS
Sports Medicine
Selected Issues for the Adolescent Athlete and the Team Physician: A Consensus Statement. MSSE
The Inflammatory Response to Skeletal Muscle Injury: Illuminating Complexities. SM
Another major win for physiotherapy — curing patellofemoral pain. BJSM
Patellofemoral pain syndrome: a review on the associated neuromuscular deficits and current treatment options. BJSM
Sports Injuries Surveillance During the 2007 IAAF World Athletics Championships. CJSM
Epidemiological studies of injuries in rugby league: Suggestions for definitions, data collection and reporting methods. JSMS
Is your prescription of distance running shoes evidence-based? BJSM
The Epidemiology and Aetiology of Injuries in Sailing. SM
Total Hemoglobin Mass-A New Parameter to Detect Blood Doping? MSSE
Medication Use by Athletes at the Athens 2004 Summer Olympic Games. CJSM
What to tell the media—or not: consensus guidelines for sports physicians. BJSM
Why do English players fail in soccer penalty shootouts? A study of team status, self-regulation, and choking under pressure. JSS
Coping Skills of Olympic Developmental Soccer Athletes. IJSM
The effects of perceived and received support on objective performance outcome. EJSS
Reflective practice, experience, and the interpretation of anxiety symptoms. JSS
Talent ID and development
Anthropometric and performance measures for the development of a talent detection and identification model in youth handball. JSS
Birthplace effects on the development of female athletic talent. JSMS
Birth date and birth place effects in National Hockey League draftees 2000–2005: comments on Baker and Logan (2007). BJSM
Do anthropometric and fitness characteristics vary according to birth date distribution in elite youth academy soccer players? SJMSS
Validity and Reliability of the Medicine Ball Throw for Kindergarten Children. JSCR
Global Gene Expression in Skeletal Muscle from Well-Trained Strength and Endurance Athletes. MSSE
The Human Gene Map for Performance and Health-Related Fitness Phenotypes: The 2006-2007 Update. MSSE
Endurance Performance: Genes or Gene Combinations? IJSM
brain performance peaks at the age 22
Old age begins at 27 as mental powers start to decline, scientists find @telegraph
The study of 2,000 men and women lasted over seven years. The respondents, aged between 18-60, were asked to solve visual puzzles, recall words and story details and spot patterns in letters and symbols.
Similar tests are often used to diagnose mental disabilities and declines, including dementia.
The research by the University of Virginia found that in nine out of 12 tests the average age at which the top performance was achieved was 22.
The first age at which performance was significantly lower than the peak scores was 27 – for three tests of reasoning, speed of thought and spatial visualisation. Memory was shown to decline from the average age of 37. In the other tests, poorer results were shown by the age of 42.
However, the report published in the academic journal Neurobiology Of Ageing, found that abilities based on accumulated knowledge, such as performance on tests of vocabulary or general information, increased until at the age of 60.
The study of 2,000 men and women lasted over seven years. The respondents, aged between 18-60, were asked to solve visual puzzles, recall words and story details and spot patterns in letters and symbols.
Similar tests are often used to diagnose mental disabilities and declines, including dementia.
The research by the University of Virginia found that in nine out of 12 tests the average age at which the top performance was achieved was 22.
The first age at which performance was significantly lower than the peak scores was 27 – for three tests of reasoning, speed of thought and spatial visualisation. Memory was shown to decline from the average age of 37. In the other tests, poorer results were shown by the age of 42.
However, the report published in the academic journal Neurobiology Of Ageing, found that abilities based on accumulated knowledge, such as performance on tests of vocabulary or general information, increased until at the age of 60.
AYG update
Preparations for Asian Youth Games remain on track@CNA
SINGAPORE: Despite the current economic climate, preparations for the inaugural Asian Youth Games, to be held in Singapore from June 29 to July 7, remain on track.
Of the estimated budget of S$15 million, slightly over S$3 million in sponsorship has been raised. The rest will be borne by the government.
SINGAPORE: Despite the current economic climate, preparations for the inaugural Asian Youth Games, to be held in Singapore from June 29 to July 7, remain on track.
Of the estimated budget of S$15 million, slightly over S$3 million in sponsorship has been raised. The rest will be borne by the government.
25 February 2009
NZ high performance budget 2009-2012
SPARC investment plan for high performance success@SPARC
SPARC has announced the four year 2009-2012 high performance investment programme for targeted sports geared to get New Zealand athletes on the podium at London 2012.
Under the High Performance Strategy 2006-2012 New Zealand is targeting at least 10 medals for the London Olympics.
The targeted investment is part of an overall high performance investment programme of approximately $35 million per annum. Other components of the investment programme include; high performance funding to other national sports organisation under the contestable investment process ($4.8 m) – announced in December 2008; performance enhancement grants direct to athletes and coaches ($5.5 m); Prime Ministers sports scholarship programme ($4.25 m) – announced January 2009; high performance support e.g. technology, research, innovation, talent transfer ($2 m) and New Zealand Academy of Sport athlete and coach support programme ($ 5.7m).
SPARC has announced the four year 2009-2012 high performance investment programme for targeted sports geared to get New Zealand athletes on the podium at London 2012.
Under the High Performance Strategy 2006-2012 New Zealand is targeting at least 10 medals for the London Olympics.
The targeted investment is part of an overall high performance investment programme of approximately $35 million per annum. Other components of the investment programme include; high performance funding to other national sports organisation under the contestable investment process ($4.8 m) – announced in December 2008; performance enhancement grants direct to athletes and coaches ($5.5 m); Prime Ministers sports scholarship programme ($4.25 m) – announced January 2009; high performance support e.g. technology, research, innovation, talent transfer ($2 m) and New Zealand Academy of Sport athlete and coach support programme ($ 5.7m).
22 February 2009
UK recovery forum
The discussion topic was Recovery and Regeneration and former West Midlands Regional S&C Lead Nick Grantham of Smart Fitness started of with a presentation on recovery methods and choices based on type of fatigue. The 'Recovery Pyramid' which Nick and current EIS S&C Coach Mark Jarvis developed formed a large part of the information presented where various levels and stages of recovery method choices are ranked according to a needs basis.
Nigel Stockill of Optima Life presented his information on his equipment and software for monitoring recovery status in relation to heart rate variability.
GB Basketball Lead Duncan French then discussed the strategies he has put in place with GB Basketball based around the distinct needs for a team during a touring situation where travel, training and games all have to be finely balanced in order to keep the players healthy while on tour duty. Duncans information displayed how athletes can self help and make their own decisions based on how they are feeling and the situation they find themselves in at any given time.
The discussion topic was Recovery and Regeneration and former West Midlands Regional S&C Lead Nick Grantham of Smart Fitness started of with a presentation on recovery methods and choices based on type of fatigue. The 'Recovery Pyramid' which Nick and current EIS S&C Coach Mark Jarvis developed formed a large part of the information presented where various levels and stages of recovery method choices are ranked according to a needs basis.
Nigel Stockill of Optima Life presented his information on his equipment and software for monitoring recovery status in relation to heart rate variability.
GB Basketball Lead Duncan French then discussed the strategies he has put in place with GB Basketball based around the distinct needs for a team during a touring situation where travel, training and games all have to be finely balanced in order to keep the players healthy while on tour duty. Duncans information displayed how athletes can self help and make their own decisions based on how they are feeling and the situation they find themselves in at any given time.
Malaysia target sports for 2012 London Olympics
Malaysia Targets Gold Medal At London Olympics@Bernama
The Youth and Sports Ministry has targeted at least a gold medal either in badminton, archery or cycling in the 2012 London Olympics
The Youth and Sports Ministry has targeted at least a gold medal either in badminton, archery or cycling in the 2012 London Olympics
20 February 2009
YOG hydration issue
Experts stress importance of hydration in sports especially in tropical S'pore@CNA
A hydration expert at Loughborough University, UK, Ron Maughan, said: "We have made measurements of professional football players and top athletes at other competitions, and we see a significant number of athletes coming up already dehydrated, and that is inexcusable for a professional athlete."
With athletes from cold countries heading to Singapore for events like the 2010 Youth Olympic Games, coaches need to ensure their charges can take the heat.
A hydration expert at Loughborough University, UK, Ron Maughan, said: "We have made measurements of professional football players and top athletes at other competitions, and we see a significant number of athletes coming up already dehydrated, and that is inexcusable for a professional athlete."
With athletes from cold countries heading to Singapore for events like the 2010 Youth Olympic Games, coaches need to ensure their charges can take the heat.
14 February 2009
YOG DCO course
Doping control officers for YOG
'Singapore is committed to keeping the Youth Olympic Games free from doping. As we prepare to host the inaugural Youth Olympic Games next year, we want to make a clear stand against doping,' said Mr Senior Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Home Affairs, Mr Masagos Zulkifli Bin Masagos Mohamad at the launch of the seminar on Saturday morning.
'Anti-doping efforts are integral to promoting fair play and the ideals of the Olympic Movement,' he said. 'Such efforts are relevant to our young people as we educate, engage and influence them to adopt and live by the Olympic Values of Excellence, Friendship and Respect.'
'Singapore is committed to keeping the Youth Olympic Games free from doping. As we prepare to host the inaugural Youth Olympic Games next year, we want to make a clear stand against doping,' said Mr Senior Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Home Affairs, Mr Masagos Zulkifli Bin Masagos Mohamad at the launch of the seminar on Saturday morning.
'Anti-doping efforts are integral to promoting fair play and the ideals of the Olympic Movement,' he said. 'Such efforts are relevant to our young people as we educate, engage and influence them to adopt and live by the Olympic Values of Excellence, Friendship and Respect.'
22 January 2009
1st FINA World Swimming Coaches Conference
1st FINA World Swimming Coaches Conference was held from 15 to 17 January in Singapore.
Aim: To learn from the best of the best about the development of swimming and challenges and opportunities we face on a daily basis
Key points from the top coaches
Rohan Taylor (Leisel Jones's coach)
- create an environment of trust and openness
- S&C was a priority after 2006: bike, gym circuit, boxing, and olympic lifting
- 60% of training was focused on breast stroke
- recovery prescribed when adapting and cannot hold technique
- athletes' ability to switch ON and OFF
Michael Bohl (Stephanie Rice's coach)
- balance between speed and endurance
- create an environment of positive and everyone on same direction
- analyze split time
Bill Sweetenham (Former Head Coach Australia and Great Britain)
- plan = change
- 6 year plan not 4 year plan to prepare for Olympics
- take a team approach: lead to success, confidence, and positive
- winning experience not an experience
- learn from best coaches and share information
- prepare for win
- youth programme and race specific training are the keys
Norimasa Hirai (Kosuke Kitajima's coach)
- 12 years training with Kitajima
- worked on technique to minimize stroke count (from 46 strokes in 100m in 2000 to 36 strokes in 2008)
- focus on stream line, head down, timing of the kick to minimize resistance
- altitude training: 3-4 times per year (more than 20 times over 9 years)
- worked hard to go the half step ahead of the athletes

I was fortunate to be a part of a team as a Physiologist to support a Singapore swimmer Tao Li and the coach Peter Churchill. Peter also presented Tao Li's preparation to Beijing Olympics at the conference:
- created a "Team Tao Li" to have a support system with sports scientists
- used a re-breathing device to simulate altitude training
- used bright light exposure to cope with morning finals
- used daily log and RESTQ (recovery stress questionnaire) to closely monitor swimmers
- established a reference point for next major meets.
Aim: To learn from the best of the best about the development of swimming and challenges and opportunities we face on a daily basis
Key points from the top coaches
Rohan Taylor (Leisel Jones's coach)
- create an environment of trust and openness
- S&C was a priority after 2006: bike, gym circuit, boxing, and olympic lifting
- 60% of training was focused on breast stroke
- recovery prescribed when adapting and cannot hold technique
- athletes' ability to switch ON and OFF
Michael Bohl (Stephanie Rice's coach)
- balance between speed and endurance
- create an environment of positive and everyone on same direction
- analyze split time
Bill Sweetenham (Former Head Coach Australia and Great Britain)
- plan = change
- 6 year plan not 4 year plan to prepare for Olympics
- take a team approach: lead to success, confidence, and positive
- winning experience not an experience
- learn from best coaches and share information
- prepare for win
- youth programme and race specific training are the keys
Norimasa Hirai (Kosuke Kitajima's coach)
- 12 years training with Kitajima
- worked on technique to minimize stroke count (from 46 strokes in 100m in 2000 to 36 strokes in 2008)
- focus on stream line, head down, timing of the kick to minimize resistance
- altitude training: 3-4 times per year (more than 20 times over 9 years)
- worked hard to go the half step ahead of the athletes

I was fortunate to be a part of a team as a Physiologist to support a Singapore swimmer Tao Li and the coach Peter Churchill. Peter also presented Tao Li's preparation to Beijing Olympics at the conference:
- created a "Team Tao Li" to have a support system with sports scientists
- used a re-breathing device to simulate altitude training
- used bright light exposure to cope with morning finals
- used daily log and RESTQ (recovery stress questionnaire) to closely monitor swimmers
- established a reference point for next major meets.
12 January 2009
YOG Olympic education programme in Singapore
Singapore 2010: education at the heart of the Youth Olympic Games@IOC
Preparations for the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games (YOG) gained further momentum with the launch of two new programmes: the Olympic Education Programme (OEP) and Friends@YOG.
• to build international friendship through collaboration and cultural exchanges among young people;
• to promulgate the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect;
• to cultivate among young people a global outlook, a passion for sport and good
habits that are part of a healthy lifestyle.
Olympic Education Programme (OEP)
• to have more opportunities to experience and embrace the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect.
• to better understand the diverse cultures of the world.
All schools will receive the specially designed “Living Olympism” Education Resource Package as part of the associated teaching materials. Teachers can draw on the various interesting ideas in the package to develop innovative learning activities for students to acquire knowledge about the Olympic Games and understand the Olympic spirit in a fun way.
Preparations for the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games (YOG) gained further momentum with the launch of two new programmes: the Olympic Education Programme (OEP) and Friends@YOG.
• to build international friendship through collaboration and cultural exchanges among young people;
• to promulgate the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect;
• to cultivate among young people a global outlook, a passion for sport and good
habits that are part of a healthy lifestyle.
Olympic Education Programme (OEP)
• to have more opportunities to experience and embrace the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect.
• to better understand the diverse cultures of the world.
All schools will receive the specially designed “Living Olympism” Education Resource Package as part of the associated teaching materials. Teachers can draw on the various interesting ideas in the package to develop innovative learning activities for students to acquire knowledge about the Olympic Games and understand the Olympic spirit in a fun way.
02 January 2009
Singapore Olympic education programme
Special Olympic education programme to kick off in schools in 2009@CNA
From 2009, all schools - from primary to pre-university levels - will get a special Olympic education resource package which teachers can use to teach students about the Olympic movement.
From 2009, all schools - from primary to pre-university levels - will get a special Olympic education resource package which teachers can use to teach students about the Olympic movement.
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